Women in Acoustics
By: Elena Dennison
Last updated: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Sussex Digital Humanities Lab co-director, Professor Alice Eldridge featured in the award winning The Rest is Just Noise as part of the Women in Acoustics series curated and hosted by Dr Hasina Begum, EDI champion and UK Acoustics Network (UKAN+) fellow member.
Alice talks to Hasina about her non-linear path into sonic systems, hippie journals, the dynamics of soundscapes, dawn choruses, positive discrimination, gender barriers and role models, and much more.
The Rest is Just Noise explores various acoustical phenomena and their impact on our lives. Through interviews with experts and immersive soundscapes, this podcast educates and entertains listeners, creating a space where the beauty and significance of acoustics are celebrated. In each episode soundscape researchers Dr Andrew Mitchell, Dr Francesco Aletta, Dr Tin Oberman are joined by an expert guest from fields such as acoustics, architecture, and environmental psychology, to discuss their latest work and introduce our audience to the science, beauty, and noise of urban sound.
Listen to Alice and Hasima in conversation and enjoy the podcast in full here: https://www.justnoisepod.com/1438372/14504324-wia-special-series-with-alice-eldridge