Human Resources

MyView recording sickness absence

If you are absent due to sickness:

  1. You are still required to notify your line manager in the first instance, please discuss with them how they wish you to notify them.

  2. Your sickness absence should show as a continuous absence in your calendar.  If you continue to be off sick after your first reported absence, you must amend the end date of your original absence until you return to work:
    • log on to MyView and record your absence following the instructions below

    • if you are unable to do this, your manager can record this for you or they may advise you to record the dates when you return to work if the sickness is short term.

    • if you are aware that you will be absent for a longer period you can of course put in the exact dates.

    • Extending sickness absence: go to your Team Leave Calendar and click on the original sickness date and View Details, then amend the 'To' date accordingly, even if this goes over a weekend.  Do not start a new record.  The only exception to this is if there is a bank holiday or minimum service day during your absence, do not delete these days, you must end the sickness and re-start either side of these dates.

The University recognises that it has a duty of care to all employees, in order to enable this duty to be exercised the University requests that you declare your reason for absence using one of the options in the drop down list.  However, you should be aware that there is no obligation for you to declare this when using the absence module, where this is the case please choose 'unspecified (not given)'.

Recording your own sickness absence

From your dashboard click on the 'Request' dropdown on the Leave Management widget and choose 'Notify Sickness'.  

a screenshot of the MyView dashboard with the "notify new sickness" button in the dropdown below the request leave button circled

You will then be taken to this screen where you can select the To and From dates of your absence and also declare the reason and certification type for this absence.  All absence is in days regardless of your working pattern. Copies of doctor's certificates should be attached to the record using the paper clip icon.  You can upload more than one certificate if necessary.

Now click submit and a notification will also be sent to your manager.

Extending sickness absence:  If you continue to be unwell for more than one day, you should go to your Team Leave Calendar and click on the sickness absence, view details and click EDIT, you can then amend the end date and continue to do this until you return to work, regardless of whether there has been a weekend in between.  The only exception to this is if there is a bank holiday or minimum service day you will need to end your sickness absence and re-open after the bank holiday, do not delete these days. 

Please note that sickness absence is recorded in calendar days and not working pattern, for example:

If you only work on a Monday and you record yourself as being unwell on this day, if you are still unwell on the next Monday you should EDIT the 'To' date (as above) and change it to the date of the second Monday and so on until you return.  This will record your whole period of sickness.

Alternatively, if you have a doctors certificate you can insert the 'To' date as stated on the certificate.

A screenshot of the myview "My Leave and Team Calendar Page" with the "view details" of a sickness entry highlighted