How to apply – April and May 2021
The previous Voluntary Severance Scheme process.
- Prior to submitting an application, you should first discuss this with your Dean / Head of School (HoS) / Divisional Director of Professional Service, Head of Professional Service and where appropriate the Chief Technical Officer. This discussion is without prejudice (i.e. does not commit either party in any way at this point).
- Member of staff submits an application to HR via Sussex Direct (once the Scheme opens on 27 April).
- HR collates submissions.
- The Dean / HoS / Divisional Director of Professional Service will consider applications within the context of their operations and make a recommendation to the University Severance Panel.
- The University Severance Panel will consider all of the information including costings and, with reference to the Voluntary Severance Business Requirement Indicators, will reach a decision.
- Normally individuals will be informed of the outcome of the University Severance Panel or Panels within five working days of the decision.
- Individuals whose applications have been accepted will be provided with a settlement agreement and invited to take appropriate legal advice. They will also be required to discuss arrangements for exit including final day of service with their Dean / HoS / Divisional Director of Professional Service or appropriate nominee.
- Individuals who have not been accepted will receive feedback from the Dean / HoS / Divisional Director of Professional Service or appropriate nominee.