Staff Wellbeing Hub
We have a range of wellbeing resources and support available at Sussex with more being added all the time. Please keep checking back for updates.
We have a range of wellbeing resources and support available at Sussex with more being added all the time. Please keep checking back for updates.
People of all ages, including children, who are in crisis or concerned family and loved ones can now call 111, select the mental health option and speak to a trained mental health professional.
NHS England » NHS 111 offering crisis mental health support for the first time
The University takes incidents of discrimination, bullying and harassment, victimisation and violence very seriously. Where appropriate, disciplinary action will be taken under staff or student disciplinary procedures.
If you, or someone else, have experienced or been affected by unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination, you can let us know using Sussex's Report and Support tool. All reports will be acted on.