Voluntary Severance Scheme

How to find out more

There will be plenty of opportunities for staff to find out more about the scheme and what it might mean for them.

  • A series of webinars for staff to hear more about the scheme and ask questions have been arranged. Questions can be asked anonymously. These are planned for:
  • You can email HRVS2021@sussex.ac.uk to ask a question. You should receive a reply within a week.

  • You can read our FAQs, which will be regularly updated, including common questions raised from the webinars and those sent by email
  • Staff can request a call from a member of the HR team to discuss in confidence any question on voluntary severance by emailing HRVS2021@sussex.ac.uk
  • Before applying each applicant should first check with their manager that they are eligible to apply and must speak to their relevant senior manager – such as: Head of School, Dean; Divisional Director of Professional Service; or the Chief Technical Officer.