Voluntary Severance Scheme

Targeted voluntary severance scheme – FAQs

About the scheme

What is a targeted voluntary severance scheme?

A targeted voluntary severance scheme offers an opportunity for qualifying employees working in specific areas to apply to leave the University on a voluntary basis, e.g. to pursue other career or personal interests, and in doing so are provided with a monetary package to support them leaving the University. Voluntary severance requires consideration of organisational needs and impact before any approvals are given, including the consideration of whether the number or combination of applicants will adversely affect the University delivering its strategic priorities.

When can I apply for voluntary severance?

The voluntary severance scheme will open at 9am on 19 October 2021 and close at 9am on 2 November 2021. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Are the terms the same as those offered in the previous rounds of voluntary severance?

No, the terms are different to those that were offered last time. You can calculate your payment using the targeted voluntary severance payment calculator

What is the difference between this round of voluntary severance and the previous rounds?

Both of the previous rounds of voluntary severance have been general schemes open to applications from across the University. They have been very successful, however there is the need to rebalance the staffing mix in some areas of the University. This scheme is targeted at these areas. In order to maximise uptake, the University has revised the method for calculating the benefit that would be paid to make this targeted scheme more attractive.

Do I need to speak to anyone before I apply for voluntary severance?

Before applying to the scheme, you must check with your manager that you are eligible. In addition, academic staff will need to speak to their Head of School or Dean; Professional Services staff in Schools will need to speak to their Head of Professional Services; Technical staff will need to speak to the Chief Technical Officer; Professional Services staff not based in Schools will need to speak to their Divisional Director of Professional Service. The Head of Professional Services and Chief Technical Officer will consult with the relevant Dean or Head of School about your application. Where you are unable to speak to your Head of School, Dean, Head of Professional Services, the Chief Technical Officer, or Divisional Director of Professional Service and provided you do so well before the closing date, you can speak to your HRBP. If you choose to do this, your HRBP will share your expression of interest with the relevant Head of School, Dean, Head of Professional Services, the Chief Technical Officer, or Divisional Director of Professional Service as they will need to provide a recommendation as to whether your application will be accepted.

Recommendations will be made by your Head of School, Divisional Director or, for applications from Technical or Professional Services staff in academic Schools, by the Director of Estates or the Director of Planning and Performance respectively.

Do the unions support the Targeted Voluntary Severance Scheme?

UNISON and UNITE support the principle of a Targeted Voluntary Severance Scheme to mitigate against the potential of future compulsory redundancies. Our priority will always be to safeguard our members against redundancy.

UCU have been actively engaged in negotiating the principles of the Targeted Voluntary Severance scheme and during ongoing discussions we have jointly achieved movement on the scheme’s principles and terms.

What is the target number of staff to take the enhanced voluntary severance to avoid redundancies?

We do not have a target number and it would wrong at this stage to have one, given we only have draft proposals which staff are still to feed back on.

We have always said we will look at all other voluntary options to find the required savings, to mitigate the need to move to any compulsory redundancies. It is also important to point out the purpose of the engagement is to see if there are other ways to increase income or reduce costs which have not yet been considered, so the final outcome is not totally dependent on outcome of the VS scheme.

At my meeting with my director, will a member of HR be there?

No, not normally. It is recognised that they may be some instances where you are unable to speak to your Director and provided you do so well before the closing date, you can speak to your HRBP. If you choose to do this, your HRBP will share your expression of interest with your Director as they will need to provide a recommendation as to whether your application will be accepted


Who can apply for voluntary severance under this scheme?

All eligible staff employed by the University can apply except staff who have resigned or declared in writing an intention to retire at any point after 1 January 2021. It is not open to employees of campus partners such as SEF, SIC or USSU.

The following would not normally be allowed to leave under this policy:

  • individuals who do not meet the qualifying criteria
  • those individuals identified as critical to delivering business requirements;
  • where an employee is already serving notice to leave for whatever reason;
  • where the number or combination of applicants will adversely affect the School / Division or wider University functions; or
  • members of the University’s Executive Group or the University Leadership Team.
I have more than one role at the University. How would my application be treated?

If your application for voluntary severance was approved normally you would leave all your roles at the University.

My role is not funded by the University. Will my voluntary severance application be approved?

The principal reason for launching the voluntary severance scheme is to make financial savings for the University. Applications that do not generate savings will not be approved.

I am on sabbatical. Can I apply?

Yes, provided you are an eligible employee of the University and you have not resigned or declared in writing an intention to leave the institution at any point after 1 January 2021.

I am on study/research Leave. Can I apply?

Yes, provided you are an eligible employee of the University and you have not resigned or declared in writing an intention to leave the institution at any point after 1 January 2021.

I am off sick. Can I apply?

Yes, provided you are an eligible employee of the University and you have not resigned or declared in writing an intention to leave the institution at any point after 1 January 2021.

I am on maternity leave. Can I apply?

Yes, provided you are an eligible employee of the University and you have not resigned or declared in writing an intention to leave the institution at any point after 1 January 2021.

Staff on maternity leave who are considering applying for voluntary severance do need to consider the following:

  • If their application is accepted, the employee would voluntarily end their maternity leave early and leave employment by 31 July 2022;
  • Their voluntary severance payment will be calculated based on what their substantive grade salary would have been had they not taken maternity leave as of their last day of service;
  • The University will make a payment for any outstanding Statutory Maternity Pay that is owed;
  • There will be no requirement for the employee to refund any enhanced maternity pay that has already been paid;

Payment in lieu of notice would be paid at the rate of full pay based on what their substantive grade salary would have been had they not taken maternity leave as of their last day of service.

I am on a secondment. Can I apply?

Yes, provided you are an eligible employee of the University and you have not resigned or declared in writing an intention to leave the institution at any point after 1 January 2021. However, your application should be based on your substantive role.

I am employed under a fixed-term contract. Can I apply?

Yes, provided you are an eligible employee of the University and you have not resigned or declared in writing an intention to leave the institution at any point after 1 January 2021.

If I apply, am I guaranteed to be granted voluntary severance?

There is no automatic right to voluntary severance. It is important for the University to ensure the continuation of core activities in order to deliver strategic priorities, and therefore this might require some applications to be declined on the basis of the loss of skills, service need, or impact.

I hold a research grant. Can I apply? If I am accepted, what will happen to the grant?

With a small number of exceptions all eligible staff can apply. Before you formally apply you need to meet with your Head of School. As part of this discussion you should talk about your research grant. The Head of School will need to consider this as part of their recommendation.

I opted to leave under the previous voluntary severance scheme, but I have not yet left. Can I apply to this scheme?

As you will be leaving under a previous voluntary severance scheme, you are not eligible to apply for this scheme.

Making the decision to apply

Where can I find all the necessary information before making a decision to take voluntary severance?

All of the information that employees will need is available on the targeted voluntary severance webpages. Contact your line manager if you have problems accessing online materials and they will ensure that the information is provided to you in an appropriate format via your Head of School, Dean, Head of Professional Services, the Chief Technical Officer, or Divisional Director of Professional Service.

What is the deadline for applications?

Applications must be submitted online and be received by HR by 9am on 2 November 2021. In order to reply to applicants by the published deadline, we will need to observe the closure date. That means that we cannot accept late applications. Prior to submitting an application, you should first check with your manager that you are eligible to apply. In addition, before applying to the scheme, academic staff will need to speak to their Head of School or Dean, Professional Services Staff in Schools will need to speak to their Head of Professional Services, Technical Staff will need to speak to the Chief Technical Officer, and Professional Services Staff not based in Schools will need to speak to their Divisional Director of Professional Service.

Is voluntary severance available on an ongoing basis?

No, this scheme and terms being offered are available only from 19 October 2021 to 9am on 2 November 2021.

How do I apply for voluntary severance?

Once the scheme opens on 19 October 2021, and you have read all the information about the scheme and spoken to your Head of School or Dean, Head of Professional Services, the Chief Technical Officer, or Divisional Director of Professional Service as appropriate, you can apply online via the Sussex Direct website.

Can I submit an application by post?

All applications should be made via the online portal, unless you are unable to complete the electronic process. If you experience problems in accessing the online portal, please contact the ITS helpdesk. If you cannot apply online, please contact your HR Business Partner.

I have only worked at the University for a few years. Will applications from my longer-serving colleagues be given priority?

Length of service itself will not be a factor in deciding who should and who should not leave under the voluntary severance scheme

If I submit my application earlier than my colleague would my application be given priority?

No, all applications will be considered by the severance panel and this will not meet until after the closing date. Applications will be considered on the basis of the reasonable management interests of the University and contribute to the strategic development of the Faculty/Department as well as the University as a whole.

I work in a team in which we are all undertaking additional work covering for a colleague who is on maternity leave. Is this a valid reason for my Head of School to not support my application?

The scheme has been designed so that we will accept most applicants and only in exceptional, justified circumstances will applications be turned down. It will be for the Head of School to determine the level of resource required to deliver the organisation’s requirements and applications form those individuals identified as critical to delivering them will be declined.

I am considering applying for voluntary severance but need to discuss my application. Who can I discuss it with?

Please consider your application carefully and submit your request when you are sure that this is something you want to progress. We recommend that individuals take the time to think about and fully consider the implications on their work and personal life before applying for voluntary severance. You may wish to consider talking about this with your immediate family, your manager, your union representative, your financial advisor, the Employee Assistance Programme or legal advisers before you apply. Applications submitted are considered as a no obligation expression of interest and applicants can change their minds at any stage, up to the point they accept an offer.

I have had a discussion with my Head of School; will they tell me what they are going to recommend?

When assessing applications, Heads of School and Directors, may need to take time to consider the implications of all the voluntary severance applications in their area before making their recommendation. Consequently they may not be able to tell you immediately, but it is expected that once they have reached their conclusion, they will do so. Given that the application window is open until 2 November 2021, this might only be possible after this date.

I’m interested in applying, but I’m not sure my Head of School/Divisional Director will recommend my application. Should I apply?

While your Head of School/Divisional Director may not be inclined to recommend your application, you can still apply. Heads and Directors may not be able to reach a firm conclusion as to whether to recommend your application to the panel until the window is closed. So, if you wish to apply, you should send in your application before 2 November 2021. Please remember that your Head or Director will make a recommendation and that the final decision will be made by the Severance Panel. In the scheme principles, it is described as Permissive and we will accept most applicants and only in exceptional, justified circumstances will applications be turned down.

My Head of School does not support my application. I disagree with their reasoning. Can I appeal?

There is no right of Appeal. All decisions about voluntary severance must be in the reasonable management interests of the University and contribute to the strategic development of the Faculty/Department as well as the University as a whole. The scheme has been designed with a set of principles in mind, one of which states that we will accept most applicants and only in exceptional, justified circumstances will applications be turned down. If, however, you feel there has been a technical flaw in the process which may have affected the outcome of your application you should write to HRVS2021@sussex.ac.uk within seven calendar days of receiving notification of the panel decision explaining what the flaw is and why it may have affected the outcome of your application.

I do not want to leave the University, but I would like to make an application to reduce my hours. What should I do?

Applications of reduced hours should be made through the Flexible Working Procedure, details of which are on the HR webpages

Will there be compulsory redundancies?

The outcome of the Size and Shape programme indicates that in some areas there may be the need to make changes to the staffing mix. Where this is the case, the University would explore all other options before considering redundancies of any kind. Compulsory redundancies would only ever occur when all other options, including all voluntary measures, had been exhausted.

Line management

I am a line manager and a team member is asking me about the voluntary severance scheme. What should I tell them?

You should signpost them to the targeted voluntary severance webpages on the website for answers to practical questions and advise them to ask to speak to the relevant member of Senior Management. Academic staff will need to speak to their Head of School or Dean, Professional Services Staff in Schools will need to speak to their Head of Professional Services, Technical Staff will need to speak to the Chief Technical Officer, and Professional Services Staff not based in Schools will need to speak to their Divisional Director of Professional Service.

I am a line manager and I have an employee who is not currently at work due to approved absence e.g. sickness, maternity or shared parental leave etc. Should I make them aware of the voluntary severance scheme?

Line Managers should ensure that their Head of School, Dean or Professional Services Director is advised of team members who are absent for whatever reason when the scheme launches. The Head of School, Dean or Professional Services Director will contact these staff to ensure they are aware of the scheme. The Head of School, Dean or Professional Services Director will need to ensure that such cases are handled sensitively. The employee needs to understand that the scheme is entirely voluntary and no pressure will be placed on any individual to apply for voluntary severance.

Leaving the University

I work as a Lecturer. Who would decide on my final leave date?

This would be agreed between you and the Head of School. It is suggested that, as part of your meeting with them, you discuss possible leaving dates.

If my application is approved, when would I need to leave by?

The University has not set a specific date by when voluntary severance applicants should leave the University, but it is expected that many individuals would leave before 31 July 2022. Should individuals wish to leave before the normal contractual end date the University will be supportive and will take all reasonable steps to facilitate this. This may require some or all of the contractual notice being waived by mutual agreement or a payment equivalent to the net salary for the period of notice waived being added to the voluntary severance Payment. You should note that all notice payments will be taxable.

What happens if I leave the University before I have worked all of my notice period?

Should it be agreed that individuals leave before they have worked all or part of their notice, a payment, equivalent to the net salary for the period of notice waived, would be added to the voluntary severance amount. You should note that all notice payments will be taxable.

If I am accepted for voluntary severance, will pension contributions be deducted from my salary? Would this be the same if I received pay in lieu of notice?

If you are working your notice, appropriate pension decisions would be made. Pension deductions are not made from pay in lieu of notice.

If I took payment in lieu of notice, would salary sacrifice deductions be made in respect of pension, childcare or cycle to work scheme?

They would not, but individuals using the cycle to work scheme need to ensure that they are fully aware of their responsibilities on leaving employment with University and the cycle to work scheme.

Do I have to leave the University on 31 July 2022?

As part of their application, individuals can request an earlier leaving date, with an appropriate taxable payment in lieu of notice, or a later leaving date, provided this date is before 30 September 2022.

For personal reasons, and not work related reasons, I would prefer to leave after 31 July. Would they be considered?

Under the terms of the scheme, applications to leave after 31 July would only be considered for work-related reasons.

What is the latest date I could leave the University under the voluntary severance scheme?

While it is hoped the majority of those leaving will do so by 31 July 2022, where there are special work-related reasons why it should be later, these will be considered, however, the latest leaving date will be 30 September 2022.

Can I ask for a deferred start to my voluntary severance, namely until the end of July 2022? If yes, what justification can be accepted for this?

The majority of those leaving will do so by 31 July 2022, where there are special work-related reasons why it should be later, these will be considered, however, the latest leaving date will be 30 September 2022.These special work-related reasons will be in the reasonable management interests of the University and contribute to the strategic development of the Faculty/Department as well as the University as a whole.

If I apply for voluntary severance but before my application is accepted I am offered a job elsewhere, do I need to inform the University?

No, but you need to be aware that should you need to resign to take up this appointment before your application for voluntary severance is considered, your voluntary severance application would be rejected.

I recently resigned and am working my notice. Can I apply for voluntary severance?

Applications will not be considered from employees who are already working their notice leave period or who are likely to leave employment for other reasons without a severance enhancement.

Confidentiality and impact on future

Who will know that I have applied for voluntary severance?

Throughout proceedings under this scheme, the names of individuals applying for voluntary severance will remain confidential to the individuals administering the scheme and those making recommendations and decisions on the voluntary severance applications. To support decision making, for service planning purposes, the Head of School or Professional Services Director may consult their managers and Heads of Department about an expression of interest or an application. Applications from individuals who are not accepted for voluntary severance will be destroyed after 6 months and no later than 30 April 2022.

If I apply for voluntary severance and am accepted, will there be any additional support for me as I move towards leaving the University?

Yes. The University will make available a package of support to each accepted candidate, comprising access to a range of self-help materials and online webinars on career review, career change, the opportunities of self-employment, planning for retirement and job searching. The package will also include career coaching. The purpose of this is to support those who leave the University in making their next, successful steps.

If I apply for voluntary severance and it is not accepted, will it affect my career at the University?

If an application for voluntary severance is not accepted no account will be taken of this for any other employment, recognition or career-related decision in the University.

If I do not take up this opportunity, will there be the chance to apply for voluntary severance at a later date?

The University is unlikely to offer another voluntary severance scheme with these terms. Most organisations open up such schemes occasionally and do so for a short period of time and the Sussex scheme is no exception. There are no guarantees that such a scheme will be offered again in the future or that any such future scheme would offer similar terms.

Pensions and retirement

If I was successful in my application for voluntary severance, could I also take early retirement?

Provided you meet the requirements of your pension scheme this is possible, however, the University will not fund any pension enhancements. If you are considering early retirement please contact the Pensions Team to discuss your plans. pensions@sussex.ac.uk

Why is the University not offering early retirement?

The decision to enhance pensions and offer unreduced pension terms is made at an employer’s discretion and the University has decided that it will not do this.

I am looking to take voluntary severance and draw my pension before my normal retirement age. Will the University fund an unreduced pension?

No – Under the voluntary severance scheme the University will not fund early access to pensions or offer any form of pension enhancement.

If you would like information about your pension options please contact the Pensions Team in the first instance by email to pensions@sussex.ac.uk

If you are a member of USS there is information about retirement options available in the member resources section of USS.

If you are a member of USS you can use the Benefit Illustrator to provide an estimate of pension and cash lump sum.

If you are a member of the USPSS the Aegon Assist team offers a free service providing factual information about your options.

If I am due to retire next year, could I continue to pay into my USS pension after leaving the University, in order to retire on my full pension?

Under the terms of the USS Pension Scheme, this is would only be possible if you worked for an organisation who is a USS Participating Employer. This would be another University. You could however, enhance your pension benefit by paying all or some of your voluntary severance payment into a USS Investment Builder Account.

I am a member of USS. In order to increase the amount of pension benefit when I retire, can all or part of the Sussex University voluntary severance lump sum be put into my pension?

If you have an Investment Builder pot and retire up to 31 March 2022 you will have the choice, if you wish, to convert the Investment Builder funds into additional pension income. This option falls away after 1 April 2022. You can read more about the taking your Retirement Income Builder pension and Investment Builder savings.

Calculation of payments

How much money would I receive?

There is a spreadsheet accessible on the application page that you can use to obtain an estimate of how much you would receive. The exact amount can only be calculated when the date that you would leave the University has been confirmed. See the targeted voluntary severance payment calculator.

Can I negotiate a different voluntary severance payment?

No. Payments will only be made in line with the terms of the scheme.

How is the amount of the voluntary severance calculated?

The voluntary severance payment will be based on the following criteria:

i) The voluntary severance payment will be based on the calculation of 2.75 weeks’ pay for each full year of service with the University of Sussex;

ii) Payments made under this scheme will be based on actual basic contractual pay at the point that the severance is agreed. This will exclude any other additional payments that may be made;

iii) The minimum voluntary severance payment will be 6 weeks contractual pay (pro rata for part-time staff, based on actual pay);

iv) Maximum service which may be taken into account under this scheme will be 22 years;

v) The maximum number of weeks payable under this scheme will be 60.5 weeks;

vi) The maximum amount for any voluntary severance payment will be capped at £99,000;

vii) Weekly pay is calculated as annual basic contractual salary divided by 52.14.

Please see the targeted voluntary severance payment calculator.

I am using the ready reckoner tool but I don’t know the date I started working at the University?

Your start date can be found on the “Your Job” page of Sussex Direct.

I am using the ready reckoner tool but I don’t know my salary?

Your salary can be found by looking on your payslip. These are available through MyView.

The ready reckoner runs on Microsoft Excel, but I do not have excel installed on my computer.

As a member of University staff you can download Microsoft Excel for use on your home computer – full details are on the ITS webpages.

I have previously worked at the University before leaving and working at another institution for five years. I subsequently returned to the University a few years ago. Is this previous service included?

Your voluntary severance payment will be calculated from the continuous service date set out in your contract of employment. This is displayed on Sussex Direct as your Start Date. Sussex Direct It may be possible to review individual cases where your break in service was extremely short.

I used to work full-time, but a few years ago I reduced my hours. Will any account be taken of my previous full time hours?

Under the terms of the scheme, payments will be based on actual basic contractual pay at the point that the severance is agreed taking into account the continuous service date. Where an individual has made a permanent change to their contracted hours, whether that be full time to part time or vice versa, no account is taken of this prior arrangement.

I do not work a fixed work pattern and my hours vary. How would my voluntary severance payment be calculated?

In order to complete the calculations an appropriate reference period would be needed and, depending on the specifics of the employment contract, this could be up to 12 months. You will need to contact HRVS2021@sussex.ac.uk to request a quote.

I have completed the online ready reckoner, but this is only an estimate. When would I find out the exact amount?

The final amount can only be confirmed once your application has been approved and a leaving date agreed.

My start date on Sussex Direct is not correct – how do I get this changed?

Please contact the HR Admin team for your work area and discuss this with them.

I have been seconded to a role at a higher grade for 4 years. What salary will my severance pay be calculated on?

In most cases, if voluntary severance is approved, the severance payment would be based on the equivalent of your annual salary pertaining to your substantive role, however, where there has been an unbroken secondment of 24 months or more on the same terms, the severance payment would be based on the secondment salary.

Decision on approvals

Will my application be accepted?

The scheme has been designed so that we will accept most applicants and only in exceptional, justified circumstances will applications be turned down.

When will I find out if my application has been approved?

The date by which we can communicate with all applicants will depend upon the number of applications we receive and have to process. We aim to get in touch with all applicants with an outcome by the end of November. We will endeavour to let applicants know ahead of time when they are likely to hear back.

Who will make the decision as to whether my application will be approved?

Applications will be considered by the University voluntary severance Panel chaired by the VC or his nominee. This panel is made up of members of UEG and Senior Managers who will seek input from the relevant Head of School, Dean, or Director/Head of Professional Services.

How will the University decide whether to approve my application?

Applications will be approved solely at the discretion of the University. When considering applications, the University will consider the impact of the employee leaving the University and if the work could be ceased or undertaken in another way.

If my application is not approved, what happens next?

Anyone who is unsuccessful in their application will remain in their existing role and continue to work for the University. We recognise that you may have prepared yourself to leave and have plans for your future that have been disappointed. If you are not approved, you will have the opportunity, if you wish, to meet with your Head of School or Divisional Director to discuss your role, or your thoughts on your career.

If I am successful in my application for voluntary severance, how much time would I have to decide whether or not to accept the offer?

It is anticipated that applications will be made in good faith and only those who are genuinely interested in taking voluntary severance will apply and that offers will be accepted within two weeks. That said, it is recognised that, having made an application, an individual’s personal circumstances may change and they do not feel they can leave the University under the voluntary severance scheme. Provided a Settlement Agreement has not been signed, it is possible to change their mind, however once they have changed your mind, the offer of voluntary severance will be withdrawn and cannot be reinstated.

My application for voluntary severance has been approved, but something has happened that means I wish to withdraw. What do I do?

Please email HRVS2021@sussex.ac.uk and confirm your decision.

Settlement Agreement

What is a Settlement Agreement?

A Settlement Agreement is an agreement between an employee and employer to end the employment contract under mutually agreeable terms.

What if I do not want to sign a Settlement Agreement?

The terms of the voluntary severance scheme require a Settlement Agreement to be in place before the voluntary severance payment is made. The University will be unable to honour your voluntary severance agreement if the Settlement Agreement is not in place and signed by you.

Do I have to have legal or trade union advice when I sign my Settlement Agreement?

Individuals entering a Settlement Agreement must receive independent legal advice. The University will fund the costs of this advice up to £350 plus VAT.

When obtaining legal advice connected to the Settlement Agreement, is there a specific legal advisor that I must use?

There is no prescribed legal advisor that individuals must use.


I have not yet taken all my holiday this year and have outstanding Time off in Lieu owed to me. What happens to this?

Unless the employee is leaving early and not working their notice period, employees accepting voluntary severance will normally be expected to take all outstanding Time Off in Lieu (TOIL) and annual leave before their termination date.

Consequences of applying for the scheme

Could I take voluntary severance and apply to work for the University in another role?

Employees who leave the University under this voluntary severance scheme cannot be re-employed or re-engaged for a minimum of three calendar years from the date of termination of employment.

If I accept voluntary severance to terminate my employment, can I request a reference from the University?

Yes, on request the University will provide a reference.

My application has been approved, but since I applied my personal circumstances have changed and I do not feel I can now leave the University under this scheme. Is it too late to change my mind?

Provided a Settlement Agreement has not been signed, it is possible to change your mind. Please be aware that, once you have changed your mind, the offer of voluntary severance will be withdrawn and we cannot reinstate it.

What if I make an application but then change my mind?

By making an application, you are not formally committed to accept the offer to leave the University until you formally sign the settlement agreement. However, we would expect all applications to be serious and genuine.

Could I take voluntary severance and apply for to work for the University in another role?

Employees who leave the University under this voluntary severance scheme cannot be re-employed or re-engaged for a minimum of three calendar years from the date of termination of employment.

I am an academic and if I leave under this scheme, what will happen to the module resources I have prepared? Are they the university’s property? What about recorded lectures?

Those who leave under the voluntary severance scheme would be treated in the same was as an individual who left for any other reason. The Terms and Conditions of Service confirm that any intellectual property that you create during your employment is the property of the University and would remain so after you left. This would include module resources and recorded lectures.

If I was successful with my application, would I be allowed to study at the University?


If I apply for voluntary severance, how long will this be kept on my record?

This is addressed in the scheme privacy notice. Under the Retention of personal data, the notice states, "The University will only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed. We will retain your data as follows:

  • Where voluntary severance is agreed – the application and associated data will form part of the employee record and will be retained in your personnel file.
  • Where voluntary severance is not agreed – applications and associated data will be destroyed after 6 months from submission of the application or by 30 April 2022, whichever is the latter."
I am an academic member of staff, if my application for voluntary severance is approved and I leave the University, am I able to return on an Honorary or Visiting basis?

Subject to approval by the Head of School and Dean, consideration will be given to applications from academic staff seeking Honorary or visiting status with the University.

Will I receive Emeritus title if I leave the University through the voluntary severance scheme?

You will be awarded the title of Emeritus Professor or Emeritus Reader automatically, subject to confirmation that you will be retiring (as opposed, for example, to taking a post at another Higher Education Institution or taking a job in another sector). The title will be awarded indefinitely.

By way of exception, where it is considered to be in the University’s interest to award the relevant title to an established Professor or Reader who leaves the University to take up a post at another institution, prior to retirement, the title may be granted at the University’s discretion. Any Professor or Reader considering applying for voluntary severance who is NOT considering retiring as well but who wishes to seek Emeritus status should indicate that to their Head of School.

If I leave the University through the voluntary severance scheme and have Emeritus Status, will I be able to access any University facilities?

Staff holding Emeritus titles will be able retain a University of Sussex e-mail account and will be able to access Sussex Direct (although some University systems will not be accessible). You will also be able to access the Library including electronic lending (although to make physical withdrawals you will need to join the Alumnus Access scheme at a reduced rate) and use the Sports Centre at a discounted rate.

Support offered by the University

My application for voluntary severance has been approved and I need to start making detailed plans for the future. Who can I talk to?

Your voluntary severance offer may be discussed with your Head of School or Dean, Head of Professional Services, the Chief Technical Officer, or Divisional Director of Professional Service as appropriate, immediate family, union representatives, your outplacement provider and legal advisers provided that they are made aware and agree to maintain confidentiality.

I have seen reference to outplacement – what is this?

Outplacement is support provided to individuals to find new work. Services can include support such as reviewing CVs, job search advice, interview training and career review and planning.

Will I be able to retain my University laptop, mobile phone or any other IT device/equipment on leaving the University?

No, staff are advised that when they leave employment with the University they will be required to return all University property.

Does the University pay for independent financial advice?

The University would recommend that employees seek independent financial advice. The University can neither promote nor endorse individual financial advisors and does not pay for employees to receive advice.

Our three main Trade Unions offer access to financial advice to their members.

UCU – https://www.ucu.org.uk/financialadvice

UNISON – https://benefits.unison.org.uk/unison-living/money/lighthouse-financial-advice/

UNITE – https://unitetheunion.org/why-join/member-offers-and-benefits/unite-financial-advice/


How will I receive my voluntary severance payment?

You will be paid the voluntary severance sum direct into your bank account within 28 days of termination of your leaving date and return of the settlement agreement, whichever is the later.

Will the voluntary severance payment be taxed?

Currently the first £30,000 of a voluntary severance payment can be paid tax free, however, any payments made in respect of contractual rights, e.g. payment in lieu of untaken holiday, paid notice, etc., would be subject to normal deductions including tax and national insurance. The University gives no warranty regarding the tax treatment of voluntary severance payments and independent legal advice should be obtained. Any tax liability will be the responsibility of the employee.

Other questions

If you have a question that is not answered above, you can email HRVS2021@sussex.ac.uk.

Give us as much information as you can about your enquiry.

So that we can give you a clear answer, please submit one question per email.

We aim to respond to queries within five working days, however during peak times this may take longer.