graduate associate template job title goes here

School/department: School of X
Hours: Full time part time
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Contract: Fixed term for X months
Salary: starting at £x to £y per annum
Placed on: XXXXXXXXX
Closing date:  X XXXXXXXX XXXX.  Applications must be received by midnight of the closing date.
Expected interview date: X XXXX XXXX
Expected start date: X XXXXXXX XXXX

Job description

This vacancy is only open to University of Sussex graduates (those whose courses have now completed) from 2020/21 and 2021/22 at UG & PGT level in any discipline. 

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Sed posuere, magna vel molestie pulvinar, arcu eros dictum ligula, nec imperdiet dolor ligula quis metus. Sed vehicula eros nec nunc tristique porta.

The University of Sussex values the diversity of its staff and students and we welcome applicants from all backgrounds.

You can find out more about our values and our EDI Strategy,  Inclusive Sussex, on our webpages.

Download the full job description and person specification (reference number XXXX) (PDF XKB)

The University requires that work undertaken for the University is performed from the UK. 

Visa Sponsorship Queries:

This role may be eligible for sponsorship. For a job to be eligible for sponsorship it needs to be assigned an eligible SOC code & meet minimum salary requirements and be full time. Please contact so they can check if this role can be assigned to an eligible SOC code and meets the minimum salary requirements. You can also consult our Skilled Worker Visa Information page for further information

How to apply

Please see the CareerHub for the job description and further details on how to apply. Please ensure you include the reference number of the advert on your application

Your student CareerHub account closes when your course ends (end of June for undergraduates). Your graduate account opens automatically, and you will receive login instructions to your personal email address, as you will lose access to your Sussex email. If you did not receive the email, or have a new personal email address, contact,

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