Photo of Rose HolmesRose Holmes
Research Student


My research interests are in the economic and social history of poverty, inequality, welfare and humanitarianism. I focus mainly on Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries but am also interested in global histories.

I have recently completed my Ph.D and am now working as an ESRC Research Fellow and Associate Tutor.

My Ph.D research project was entitled 'A Moral Business: The Work of British Quakers with Refugees from Fascism, 1933-1939'. It covers the extensive campaiging and support work done by British Quakers to support refugees during this period, primarily from Spain, Austria, Germany and Czechoslovakia. I am currently exploring publication options.

I am now working with a team of colleagues on a project about the history of global income inequality. We are compiling a database of household budget surveys to allow us to build a comparative analysis of global inequality, 1860-1960.