Wellbeing Support During the Holiday Season
By: Lisette Whittaker
Last updated: Wednesday, 18 December 2024

The holiday season is nearly here and while it can be a time of joy, it can also be a tough time of year for all sorts of reasons. If you are struggling, please do reach out.
If you are worried about finances, feeling stressed, or concerned about your physical health you can access support from the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provided by Spectrum.Life.For wellbeing support 24/7, 365 days a year, call the EAP helpline on 0800 316 9337 or get in touch via WhatsApp or SMS by texting ‘Hi’ to 07418 360 046. You can access up to eight structured counselling sessions, a medical helpline, legal support and help with day-to-day issues, such as career coaching, consumer advice or relationship mediation.The EAP is also available to your immediate family, including a spouse, partner, registered civil partner and children aged 16 to 24 in full-time education living in the same household.
Mental Health First Aid Network: Mental health first aiders are trained to listen non-judgementally, provide support and reassurance and signpost to appropriate professional services.
Staff networks and support: Staff and students can find information and support through networks, services and points of contact.
Togetherall: This is a free, online, peer led and clinically managed platform that is now available to you, 24/7, 365 days a year. Register online using your University email address.
MIND have put together some Christmas coping tips.
But also try to reach out to friends and family, even if it's just a quick call or message. Social connections can provide support and help reduce feelings of loneliness.
If you require immediate support you can contact:
• Brighton and Hove Samaritans: 01273 772277
• Sussex Mental Health Line: 0300 5000101 SMH website
• Shout (24/7 text service) Shout website
• No Panic: 01952 680835 - Recording of breathing technique to control panic, 24/7
• BMA Helpline: 0330 123 1245 - Confidential counselling service 24/7
Visit the Staff Wellbeing Hub for further information on these resources, plus our Wellbeing Support Guide and lots more.
Remember, you can’t do everything. Focus on what truly matters to you and your loved ones. Sometimes that can be to say no. It’s okay to decline events or requests that feel overwhelming.
Try phrases like:
“Thank you for thinking of me, but I’m unable to commit this time.”
“I’d love to be involved, but I’m keeping things simple this year.”
“I appreciate the invitation, but I need some downtime to recharge.”.
“Thank you for thinking of me, but my plate is as full as I like.”
Take some time to prioritise self-care, whatever that means to you.Its not selfish to put yourself first - you can’t pour from an empty cup and the best gift you can give yourself and those around you is your wellbeing.