Chat Lab


We are interested in how technology can be used to understand and support children working and playing together, at school and at home, in typical and atypical development, with peers, with parents and with teachers.

An underlying theme of our work is the role of social interaction and collaboration in learning and development. How do interactions between peers support learning? How do parents scaffold children's learning at home? What role does technology play in supporting children's collaborative play and learning? And how might technology be used creatively and innovatively to support these interactions?

We offer many different opportunities to participate!

  • Come to our open lab meetings: to be added to the mailing list email
  • follow us on twitter @chatlabuk
  • Join Autism Community Research Network Sussex (ACoRNS) and come to the Autism Reading Group:  further info @acornsussex
  • Browse all the Digital Bubbles seminars on autism and technology