Department of International Relations


I am a fourth-year PhD student at the department of international relations, and a recipient of the university's Chancellor International Research Scholarship, through which I am funding my PhD studies. My thesis entitled "Securitizing the Infosphere: The Informational Ontology of Cybersecurity and Its Implications on Security Policy and Theory” examines the peculiarities of digital information as a subject matter, referent object, and agency in the socio-political construction of cybersecurity discourses and practices. The empirical focus of the thesis is the US as a case study. 

Before joining the University of Sussex, I was working as a teaching assistant and assistant lecturer of political science at Cairo University (2011-2016), teaching multiple undergraduate courses, including: Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis, Introduction to Political Science, and Western Political Systems. I was also an academic assistant and executive editor of two academic journals published by the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.

I hold a BSc and a MSc degree in political science from Cairo University. My master’s dissertation was focused on the cybersecurity dilemma and how it is transforming conflict and cooperation in international relations.  



Conferences and workshops presentations:

July 4-5, 2019

The 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS 2019), the University of Coimbra, Portugal
• Paper presented: The Peculiarities of Securitising Cyberspace: A Multi-Actor Analysis of the Construction of Cyber Threats in the US (2003-2016)
(published in the conference’s proceedings)

April 25-26, 2019

The School of International Relations of the University of St Andrews Graduate Conference, (Contemporary Issues in Critical Security Studies), the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK

• Paper presented: The Matter and Materialities of Cybersecurity: The Peculiarities of Information as a Subject, Referent Object, and Agency

April 9-10, 2019

BISA Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers Conference, (Celebrating a Diversified and Pluralistic IR? In Defence of Multiple Narratives of International Relations), the University of Portsmouth, UK

• Paper presented: The Informational Ontology of Cybersecurity: The Complexities of Information and the Uncertainties in Cybersecurity Discourses and Practices

February 11-15, 2019

GLOBE International Relations Winter School, (Digital Epistemics in International Relations), the University of Lausanne, Switzerland

• Paper presented: The Complex (Im)materiality of Information: The Peculiarities of the Digital as the Referent Object of Cybersecurity



June 28-29, 2018


The 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS 2018), Oslo, Norway

• Paper presented: Security as a Context, Generative Force, and Policy Concern for the Co-Production of Cyberspace: Historical Overview Since WWII Until the end of the Cold War (published in the conference’s proceedings)

April 15-17, 2018


The Matter of International Relations: Theory, Analysis, and Practice, doctoral training course co-organized by the University of Sussex and the University of Copenhagen, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

• Paper presented: Conceptualizing an Essentially Contested Concept: Security Logics from Fixation to Contextualization in the Study of Cybersecurity