Collaboration and communication

We recommend you use the tools provided by Microsoft for office communication and collaboration needs. All staff and students have access to the Office 365

To help understand which collaboration tool you should use, see How to Compare Teams, Zoom and Skype for Business

Microsoft Teams

For help getting started see, Teams.


Zoom is available to all staff and students who have accounts.

Use Zoom for meetings and video conferencing. Using your Sussex credentials, staff can log in to Sussex Zoom

Videos produced by Zoom can provide advice on how to use it. Use the links below for help.

Skype for Business

Skype for Business is for staff only.

Use it for making phone calls and online meetings. It is part of Office365, which we recommend you download and install for free.

Skype and Skype for Business are two different products. You should use Skype for Business for University work.

You can only make voice calls using Skype for Business to other Skype for Business (or Skype) users. Most Sussex staff cannot use it to call landline or mobile numbers.