WCM manual

Latest updates

Monday 22 February updates

Summary of updates

  • all feeds switched to a card format. This is to modernise the look and feel, bringing the feeds in line with the student-hub and to meet accessibility standards.
  • added a filter system to the external and staff all events feeds. This allows for filtering the feeds by tag, location or date.
  • reduced the tagging system to streamline the use. Now limited to a select list of tags rather than a free entry.
  • images are now associated to specific posts. This is to allow for the addition of context specific alt-text with each image, improving accessibility.

Please take time to check your feeds and Broadcast items.

Training and guidance

To find out how to modify existing items or to add new items please check the training videos first.

Key things to note

  • all images have been re-cropped to comply with the new format. Please check and re-crop if necessary.
  • all new images must comply with the new size requirement.

If you notice any issues or if anything is unclear please contact: dcm@sussex.ac.uk.