Technology Enhanced Learning at Sussex

Global template changes 2022/23

There are no changes in the 22/23 Canvas template from the 21/22 template, but your module might still using the 20/21 template. If so, there are a few things that you can change without having to start afresh with the new template. This guide will show you how.

1.   Home page:

Rename the “Meet your tutors” link to “Contact/advice & feedback hours”. If pasting the text, be sure select the option to Paste & Match Style and not to lose the link to the page.

2.   Module information page:

Add the following text to the Teaching Methods section:

You can access the University’s Dignity and Respect policy as well as information about the University’s Respect, Equality, Diversity and Safety (REDS) programme here.

3. Assignments and guidance page:

Add the following section and text under your description of the assignment[s] for the module:

Exceptional circumstances:

If something affects your performance in an assessment you may be able to make an exceptional circumstances (EC) claim. If you have any questions about EC claims email

4. Assignments and guidance page:

Add the following section under your Feedback section:

Sit and resit information:

Add information about sit and resit modes here. School policy is to allow students to use the same essay/assessment questions for sits and resits unless it is unsafe to do so (e.g. in tests, MCQs etc).

5. Assignments and guidance page:

Add the following section and text under your Sit and resit information section:

Word Limits:

When writing your assessments, please pay attention to the maximum word limits that have been set for the assignment, as shown in your assessment deadlines timetable in Sussex Direct.

University regulations state, "Where a student has marginally (within 10%) exceeded the word length the Marker should penalise the work where the student would gain an unfair advantage by exceeding the word limit. In excessive cases (>10%) the Marker need only consider work up to the designated word count, and discount any excessive word length beyond that to ensure equity across the cohort. Where an assessment is submitted and falls significantly short (>10%) of the word length, the Marker must consider in assigning a mark, if the argument has been sufficiently developed and is sufficiently supported and not assign the full marks allocation where this is not the case".

Word limits as stated include quotations in the text, but do not include the bibliography, footnotes/endnotes, appendices, abstracts, maps, illustrations or tables. For more information please check the University regulations.

6. Assignments and guidance page:

Update the second paragraph of the last plagiarism section to:

Unless specifically allowed in module documentation, the use of the same material in more than one assessment will be subject to penalties. If there is substantial overlap or repetition in your assessments within a single module or across modules, you will have marks deducted.


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