Research and knowledge exchange

Research Sponsorship

All research carried out within the NHS or social care/ community care will require a research sponsor.

The Sponsor is responsible for ensuring that:
 arrangements are in place for the research team to access resources and support to deliver the research as proposed and
 agreements are in place which specify responsibilities for the management and monitoring of the research

Sponsor's Representative: Dr Caroline Garrett (

Head of Research Ethics, Integrity and Governance

Research & Enterprise Services

University of Sussex

+44(0)1273 878798


For projects that involve the NHS and fall under the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research the University of Sussex can act as a Sponsor for its researchers. These projects receive their Health Research Authority (HRA) ethical approval from a dedicated NHS Research Ethics Committee following local sponsorship acceptance by the University’s Sponsorship Sub-Committee

New applications for university sponsorship are now made in writing to the Pre-Sponsorship Review Panel (PSRP) for onward submission to the Sponsorship Sub-Committee. 

The PSRP meets monthly according to a schedule with specific submission dates.

Queries about the operation of the Pre-Sponsorship Review Panel (PSRP) should be directed to

The Sponsorship Sub-Committee provides oversight for the totality of research sponsored by the University throughout the life-cycle of studies.

Please submit general queries to the Research Governance Officer  (*

* Should you wish to receive sponsorship for a study, please ensure that you understand how both the PSRP and the Sponsorship Sub-Committee Operate *


 PSRP diagram

Sponsorship application process