Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Student Experience Committee

Terms of Reference and Membership 2023-24


To apply a student-focused filter to the work of the university and reflect this back to Council.

To provide assurance on adherence to the principles of the Office for Students’ registration and compliance with OfS regulatory requirements, namely:

Where all students, from all backgrounds, with the ability and desire to undertake higher education:

  1. Are supported to access, succeed in, and progress from higher education.
  2. Receive a high quality academic experience, and their interests are protected while they study or in the event of provider, campus or course closure.
  3. Are able to progress into employment, further study, and fulfilling lives, and their qualifications hold their value over time.
  4. Receive value for money

To explore key issues and monitor the University’s approach to the student experience, providing insight to Council.

Consideration will be given to the interests of different student cohorts, according to level and mode of study, domicile and demography, from application to graduation and beyond.

To ensure robust mechanisms exist for measuring impact and outcomes upon access, retention, progression, attainment and employability.

The Committee has a responsibility to ensure that value for money for all students and taxpayers is embedded in decision making, in line with the University’s Value for Money Policy, having regard to VfM whenever it is called to review proposals and approve plans in line with its delegated authority, ensuring transparency and accountability in operational decision making and planning for the future. Where appropriate this regard to VfM should include measuring and reporting on performance to determine if projects have delivered their intended outcomes and secured value for money.

Terms of Reference:

(a) To foster a spirit of partnership among students, staff and stakeholders in order that key issues of relevance can be explored to provide an outstanding student experience from prospectus to employment.

(b) To monitor progress on specific Council level KPI/KPTs relevant to the experience of students, and to report on this to SPC as required.

(c) To consider university-wide projects and initiatives from a student experience perspective, considering the impact upon different cohorts.

(d) To ensure the voices of students from all backgrounds and experiences are heard and acknowledged.

(e) To assure itself, and Council, that appropriate channels of communication between USSU and the Executive are in good working order.

(f) To assure itself, and Council, that an appropriate governance structure is in place for all student fora.

(g) To assure itself, and Council, that due regard is being given to ensuring all students are receiving value for money from the University. To make recommendations to Chair’s Committee and/or SPC for consideration alongside other priorities.



  •        Chair (independent member of Council, preferably an alumni)
  •        At least two other independent members of Council
  •        Students’ Union Council Representative
  •        Student member of Council
  •        One staff member of Council
  •        Vice-Chancellor

 In attendance:

  •        Pro Vice-Chancellor
  •        Director for the Student Experience
  •        Chief Operating Officer


 Committee Management


Provided through the Division for the Student Experience

 Quorum for decisions

A third of all members with a majority of independent members

Frequency of meetings

A minimum of two meetings each year. Additional meetings can be arranged at the request of the Chair.

Reports to

Council (and SPC and Chairs’ Committee as appropriate)


Sussex Direct: Committee Information: Student Experience Committee