Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Remuneration Committee A

Terms of Reference and Membership 2021-22


To determine, review and report on the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor. The Committee has a responsibility to ensure that value for money for all students and taxpayers is embedded in decision making, in line with the University’s Value for Money Policy, having regard to VfM whenever it is called
to review proposals and approve plans in line with its delegated authority, ensuring transparency and accountability in operational decision making and planning for the future. Where appropriate this regard to VfM should include measuring and reporting on performance to determine if projects have
delivered their intended outcomes and secured value for money. 

Terms of Reference:

Rem Com A TORs [PDF 64.16KB]




  •        Independent member of Council (who is not a Chair of any other sub-committee) (Chair)
  •        Chair of Council
  •        Chair of Strategic Performance and Resources Committee
  •        Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
  •        Vice-Chair of Council

In attendance:

  •        Director of Human Resources
  •        Chief Operating Officer

Deputising for members is not permitted without explicit agreement of the Chair. The Committee cannot further delegate its responsibilities as set out above.

Committee Management

Secretary provided through the HR Division


Three members

Frequency of meetings

Three times per year. Additional meetings can be arranged at the request of the Chair.

Reports to


Current Membership

Chair: Stephen Caddick

Sussex Direct: Committee Information: Remuneration Committee (A) - VC Pay