Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Capital Programmes Committee

Terms of Reference and Membership 2021-22


The Capital Programmes Committee (CPC) is a Council committee which has three key governance roles, to:

  1. monitor large, mission critical projects (Significant Projects9 ); to ensure they are delivered on time and on budget and that they continue to contribute to the delivery of the Strategic Framework and its underlying enabling strategies.
  2. provide governance and assurance during the lifetime of projects, and to ensure that there are proper mechanisms to review any issues and changes that might arise.
  3. to advocate for programmes and ensure VFM.

CPC’s focus, in line with other committees, is on oversight and assurance rather than management and delivery. It strives to liaise effectively with senior management and to give detailed consideration to proposals in a timely fashion in order to enable Council as a whole to best exercise its prescribed actions. The Committee has a responsibility to ensure that value for money for all students and taxpayers is embedded in decision making, in line with the University’s Value for Money Policy, having regard to VfM whenever it is called to review proposals and approve plans in line with its delegated authority, ensuring transparency and accountability in operational decision making and planning for the future. Where appropriate this regard to VfM should include measuring and reporting on performance to determine if projects have delivered their intended outcomes and secured value for money.

Terms of Reference:




  •        Chair (independent member of Council)
  •        Two other independent members of Council
  •        Co-opted independent member
  •        Professional services representative on Council
  •        Academic member of Council
  •        Vice-Chancellor

In attendance:

  •        Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  •        Chief Operating Officer
  •        Director of Estates and Facilities Management
  •        Director of ITS
  •        Director of Finance

Deputising for members is not permitted without explicit agreement of the Chair.

The Committee cannot further delegate its responsibilities as set out above.

The Chair of Council has attendance rights and will receive papers for information.

Committee Management

Secretary provided through Project Management Office


Four members (of which two must be independent members) however meetings should go ahead without full quorum if needs be to allow discussion of items

Frequency of meetings

Three times per year (additional meetings / telecons to be arranged at discretion of the Chair)

Reports to


Current Membership

Chair: Mark Devlin

Independent members: Tony Bullman

Staff member: Paul Gilbert

Sussex Direct: Committee Information: Capital Programmes Committee