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Questions and answers

What is Exceed onDemand?

Exceed onDemand is a service that gives both Mac and PC users access to programs on a central server and run them as if they were installed on the local computer.

It enables you to use large or specialist software packages without having to install them to your own machine, or worry about purchasing and renewing licences.

To use all of these packages, you just have to install a small Exceed onDemand client onto your own computer. This is available for PC, Mac and Linux and is available from the IT Services website.

To use a program via Exceed onDemand, open the Exceed onDemand client and connect to the exceed server.


Enter the details as follows:

Username: your Sussex username, eg ano123.  
Password: your Sussex password


Choose the software you would like to use from the start list and click Run.

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This is question number 2527, which appears in the following categories:

Created by David Guest on 26 November 2012 and last updated by Tan Sharma on 1 November 2018