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I am unable to export Contacts from Outlook.

This article applies to Staff and Research Students whose email is hosted in the University's Exchange server.

The function to export contacts is normally available from Outlook's File menu.  However, in the standard distribution of Microsoft Office Outlook, this function is not enabled and may not be available from the menu.

If you have admin access to your Windows desktop (see the NOTE below), you can enable the contacts export functionality as follows:

  1. Close Outlook.
  2. Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.
  3. Select Programs and Features from the list provided.
  4. Wait for the list of programs to complete.
  5. Right-click on Microsoft Office Professional Plus, and select Change from the drop-down menu.
  6. The screen will go blank for a moment, then you will be prompted for your username and password or that of the admin user for your computer.
    If you do not have Windows admin privileges, your username and password will not be accepted, and you will need to contact IT Services for help with setting up this function (use the general enquiry form on the Help page on the ITS website).
  7. Wait for the Change your Installation of Microsoft Office... window to appear.
  8. Click the Add or Remove Features option button, then click Continue.
  9. In the Installation Options tab, click the + sign next to Microsoft Outlook, then click the arrow symbol next to Importers and Exporters.
  10. Click on Installed on First Use, then click Continue.
    You may have to wait a few minutes, while 'Configuration is in progress'.
    If the configuration fails, you will need to get help (use the red Help button on the ITS website, then after logging in, click on the staff desktop support icon).
  11. Restart Outlook.
  12. In Outlook 2013, open the File menu, choose Open & Export, then select Import and Export.  If you are asked "This feature is not installed.  Would you like to install it now?", click OK to complete the installation of the functions.

NOTE: If you do not have admin privileges, you will not be able to perform the above procedure, and you will need to contact IT Services for help (use the red Help button on the ITS website, then after logging in, click on the staff desktop support icon).

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This is question number 2514, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Andy Clews on 26 September 2012 and last updated by Richard Byrom-Colburn on 21 October 2016