School of Education and Social Work

Bullying and Harassment

Report + Support is the University’s online tool, for you to find support, report anonymously or ask to speak to an adviser in relation to topics such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination. 

Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect...

The University has appointed seven new Dignity and Respect Champions who, although they may reside within Schools, do not represent Schools or the staff within them but are available to anyone in need of advice, support and/or guidance at the University. They provide confidential and informal advice to those experiencing difficult working relationships - including bullying or harassment - or have witnessed such behaviour. They will listen, talk through the options available and, if appropriate, signpost you to appropriate sources of support and advice. Just complete the online request form and you will be contacted by a Champion who will arrange an initial meeting.

See also


Other sources of information and guidance regarding bullying and harasment:


School specific support:

  • The School of Education and Social Work has an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee currently jointly chaired by Dr Emily Danvers (Lecturer in Higher Education Pedagogy) and Dr Jessica Beck, (Assistant Research Manager).
  • The School also has a group known as SWAG - Staff Wellbeing Advisory Group - which meets approximately monthly and also looks at issues of general staff wellbeing. SWAG is currently led by Heather Stanley (Assistant Operations Manager).


The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law. They support good relationships between employers and employees which underpin business success. When things go wrong they can also help by providing conciliation to resolve workplace problems. This is ACASs advice and guidance regarding bullying and harassment at work and includes links to a policy discussion paper, advice leaflets and a helpline.

The Government

The Government's own website has details and advice about bullying and harassment in the workplace. They have a guide for employees, as well as a guide for managers and employers. At the bottom of the page are links to further information about trade unions and workers' rights, contracts and working hours.

Citizen's Advice

The Citizen's Advice website has a page on 'Discrimination at work - bullying and harassment'  which gives the definitions of these terms, advice about what to do if you feel you are being bullied or harassed at work, and information about the Equality Act and when it applies.


See public service union, UNISON's, guidance on bullying and harassment, which includes definitions, advice on 'what can be done' and on how UNISON can help you.


The Trades Union Congress (TUC) is a national trade union centre, a federation of trade unions in England and Wales, and represents the majority of trade unions. See their 'Guide to bullying, violence and harassment' at work which includes advice about what to do at work if you don't feel safe, how your employer should protect you, and what to do about bullying at work.

Bullying UK (part of Family Lives)

See Bullying UK's advice on bullying at work, including 'relational bullying' and the impact of bullying on your emotional health.

Unconscious Bias

The University encourages all staff to undertake the 'Unconscious Bias' e-learning course to increase awareness of unconscious bias and its impact on people with protected characteristics, and to reduce discriminatory behaviour and attitudes in the workplace.