
Communicating with staff and students

In the Internal Communications team we help teams and departments to communicate issues and change; we manage a number of channels of communication; and we help staff and students to publicise their events and work (e.g. research findings, achievements, awards, etc.).

Issues and change

If there is something going on, or changing, where you work in the University - staff changes, new policies, and so on - that needs to be communicated more widely, we can help you do this.

Please read our guidance on communicating issues and change.


A number of channels are available at Sussex for communicating with staff and students. Some of these (e.g. online news and events and social media) can be accessed by anybody, while others (such as mass emails and digital screens) are restricted to certain types of messages and are managed by us in the Internal Communications team.

To find out more, please go to our web pages about channels of communication.

Similarly, the Students' Union has a number of media channels which it uses to communicate specifically with students. View the student media web page for more about these channels.

News and events

Commonly, people ask us for help with publicising University events, both on or off campus, as well as saff and student successes and awards.

Because these things are such major parts of life at the University, we have produced specific pages to help you. See:

We also support good cross-campus communications at Sussex by promoting good practice in internal communications, and developing and implementing policy on internal communications.