School of Media, Arts and Humanities - for students and staff

Booking Equipment and Facilities (SISO)

To access the technical facilities, you must first complete a compulsory online Health & Safety Induction that is available on Canvas. It should take no more than 15 minutes to complete with a quiz at the end. You must score 12 or more out of 14 points in order to pass.  

Please complete the induction as soon as possible, you will receive a separate email once we have enrolled you on the module. Please email if you do not receive your invitation. 

We use a booking system called SiSo to manage all of our bookings for facilities and equipment from the MAH Equipment Store. To be able to book equipment you will need to register for a SiSo account. 

Please familiarise yourself with the MAH Equipment Loans Policy before booking and borrowing any equipment. To get started with bookings, you first need to register for a SiSo account. Click on the link at the bottom of this page and then click 'Account Registration' which will take you to a registration form. Please fill out all the required information and then click 'Submit'.

Please note you MUST complete the H&S module and pass the quiz before you can collection your access card or have your SISO account activated.

  • For Student/Staff Card No. please enter the BNO No. 
  • For Student/Staff ID please enter the Reg No.


The Technical Services team will receive your request, but your account will not be active at this stage. In order to activate you SISO account you need to visit the MAH Equipment Store (opening hours) in Silverstone Building, SB242-250, in person with your student card. A member of the team will need to check and scan your ID card to activate your account. 

You will receive a confirmation email from SISO to inform you that your account has been activated. You will not be able to book equipment or facilities until you have followed the above steps. 

For further help registering for your SISO account, please watch the How to Create a SISO Account video and if you have any problems, please email the Technical Services team.