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Questions and answers

How do I book a place on a IT Services training course?

If you are a student or member of staff:

Training courses are advertised at /its/services/informationandsupport/training/coursedescriptions

Use the Book Now link displayed under the advertised course. 

Training courses can also be booked through Sussex Direct:

  1. Log on to Sussex Direct
  2. Click on Personal on the Menu bar
  3. Choose Staff Development if you are staff or Training Courses if you are a student
  4. Click the '...Booking Facility' link
  5. Select Information Technology and follow the links to the course you require
  6. If a course is scheduled click the Book Now button. If there are no places available or no dates are scheduled for the course, please join the waiting list by clicking on the link Inform me when a place or another date becomes available. You will be notified when a place becomes available or when a course is scheduled (this depends on sufficient requests being received and resources being available). 

If you are having problems come to IT Services Enquiries  between 9.00am and 5.00pm any weekday or email

Non Attendance

Courses that are free of charge. However there is a non attendance fee of 25 pounds for staff and 5 pounds for students. This fee is charged if you fail to attend or have not cancelled your place at least 3 working days before the course is due to start. You will not be eligible to attend any further IT courses until this fee is paid.

When attending a training session you will need to have an IT Services account. You must know your userid and the password that enables you to use IT Services PCs .

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This is question number 389, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Roger Discombe on 27 July 2001 and last updated by Samantha Jane Elmer on 14 September 2016