Sussex 2025

Simplification and Standardisation User Group (SSUG)

What is SSUG?

The Simplification and Standardisation User Group (SSUG) is a group formed of academics and Professional Services staff whose main aim is to identify issues relating to process, systems, behaviours and ways of working which currently slow us down.

By having a mix of academics and non-academics from across the university, the group provides a diverse mix of perspectives that can propose solutions to these and also advise on how to best implement improvements.

The SSUG is not a committee but a non-bureaucratic group of people who are identifying simple and efficient solutions to irritating, often paper-based procedures. As a result we will find it easier to get things done and have simple processes and straightforward ways of working.

The group reviews suggested topics and then projects are initiated in the relevant business area to resolve the issue.

Who sits on the SSUG?
  • David Cole (Director of Planning & Performance) - chair
  • Fran Barnard (School Administrator Psychology)
  • Marc Williams (Head of Professional Service, Science)
  • Mark Fisher (Senior Teaching Fellow, Business School)
  • Matt Ford, (Senior Lecturer, Global Studies)
  • Graeme Pedlingham (Senior Teaching Fellow, English)
  • Jane Harvell (Director of Library Services)
  • Bridget Edminson (General Counsel)
  • Jason Oliver (Director of IT)
  • Jane Hyder-Wilson (Change Manager)
What types of issues have been raised with the SSUG? 

We have had all sort of suggestions, ranging from changes to process, systems, behaviours and ways of working within the academic side as well as within the Professional Service area. We have also had issues raised relating to life on campus.

Have there been any improvements since the group was formed?
Since the introduction of SSUG the focus has been on reforming and simplifying compliance processes; improving UKVI processes; automating lecture capture; simplifying the Student Academic Misconduct procedure; and implementing an improved Module Transfer Form.
We continue to work on developing better information exchange between teams which should save staff a lot of time and cut back on paperwork.

We are also looking at all sort of other ideas such as improving communication on operation decisions, automating attendance recording, ensuring a consistent induction checklist is used for new staff.

How can I raise an issue with SSUG or elsewhere?

The University of Sussex Staff Suggestion Scheme is an opportunity for employees to put forward ideas for improving quality, procedures, processes, bureaucracy and services across the University. Suggestions should contain solutions or ideas for improvements, not complaints and while feedback is always welcomed, this should be done through other appropriate channels e.g. staff survey, line manager etc, or by following the formal complaint procedure.

To submit a suggestion, please complete the form describing your idea in as much detail as possible.

If you have any questions about the Suggestion Scheme please contact 

What will happen to my suggestion?

Here's how the process works (PDF) and in text format.