Sussex 2025

Staff Suggestion Scheme

How to make a suggestion for improvements to the University.

The Staff Suggestion Scheme is an opportunity for employees to put forward ideas for improving procedures, processes and services across the University.

The suggestion scheme has been developed through the work of One Professional Service, as part of our Build on Strengths strategy, and is one of our continuous improvement activities, looking at ways we can improve how we support staff and students through better processes, systems, governance and ways of working.

Suggestions should contain solutions or ideas for improvements, as opposed to simply stating why something is currently an issue – this is a chance to help shape change at Sussex and contribute your thoughts.

To submit a suggestion, please complete the form below describing your idea in as much detail as possible.

Here's how the process works (PDF) and in text format

The scheme will be managed by the Planning and Performance team. If you have any questions about the Suggestion Scheme please contact