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Questions and answers

How do I add a lecture recording to my Study Direct site?

First navigate to the section where you want to add your lecture recording, scroll to the bottom of the page and click +Add resources. Next click +Lecture capture recording.


 Enter a title for your recording in the text box and then click Choose a recording.


Where possible, the system will identify relevant recordings for your module or you can use the search to find the recordings you want by entering the room and the time period that the lecture was recorded in. Once you have found your chosen recording click the green +Add button located on the right hand side of the recording.


Finally, click Save.


For more information about lecture capture recordings please see the Technology Enhanced Learning website.

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This is question number 2404, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Stuart Lamour on 28 November 2011 and last updated by Alexander Butler on 19 March 2018