Course outline, Autumn 2008


Andrew Philippides
Email: andrewop AT


The aim of this course is to provide the mathematical background needed to understand several subjects which appear in Informatics MSc courses. In particular, the course is a pre-requisite for students taking the 2nd term courses: Neural Networks and Computational Neuroscience.

Teaching method

Lectures will give mathematical details and theory on a particular subject. Seminars will (mainly) be practical computer classes which reinforce the theory using a topic from future courses. As the mathematical background of the group will be mixed, the lectures will start at an introductory level and so not all students will need to attend.

Mondays 12-12.50 Chichester 3 3R241
Tuesdays 12-12.50 Chichester 3 3R143

Tuesdays 16-16.50 Chichester 3 Ci204/5

Topics covered

Topics in italics are likely to be used to illustrate the mathematical techniques. Not everything will be discussed at the same level of detail.

Topic 1

Course introduction.
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (html)]

Topic 2

General discussion of functions and notation. Function examples.
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (html)]
[Problem Sheet (pdf)]

Topic 3

Matrices and Vectors. Network operations as matrices.
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (html)]
[Problem Sheet (pdf)]

Topic 4

Matlab. Programming networks in matlab.
[Example problem Sheet with answers: Central Limit Theory]
[Problem Sheet (pdf)]
[M-file demonstrating pausing: PlottingExamples.m]

Topic 5

Differential calculus, partial differentiation. Gradient Descent.
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (pdf)]
[Problem Sheet (pdf)] [GradientAscentEg.m]

Topic 6

Numerical methods for integration of differential equations. Numerical integration of a model neuron
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (html)]
[Problem Sheet (pdf)]

Topic 7

Dynamical systems analysis. Analysis of GasNet neurons.
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (pdf)]
[Cobweb plots (pdf)]
[Problem Sheet (pdf)] [GasNetEgs.m]
Fitzhugh-Nagumo neuron model applet

Topic 8

Probability and distributions. Entropy and information theory.
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (pdf)]
No problem sheet.

Topic 9

Optimisation and introduction to hypothesis testing. Analysis of data from A-life experiments.
[Lecture notes (ppt)] [Lecture notes (pdf)]
No problem sheet.


The course is assessed by coursework only through a combination of weekly problem sheets and a min-project to be handed on Thursday in week 10 by 4pm. The project is to describe/explain a mathematical subject relevant to the courses you are undertaking in the rest of the course. Topics must be agreed with me.
[Project details and ideas (pdf)]

Warning: The lecture notes are not meant as an exhaustive resource about the given subjects. They may be modified before each lecture. They may also contain typographic errors: please let me know if you find any.


Notes on some of the topics covered are available in HTML and in PDF. Further reading is suggested in the appropriate sections of the notes.

All content and materials copyright Andrew Philippides, 2005.