Research and knowledge exchange

Support from the Research Staff Office

The Research Staff Office are here to support you to be as successful as you can be as a member of Research Staff during your time here at the University. Get in touch if there is anything you want to talk over or ask about.

If you would like to have a confidential talk about your personal situation with our Research Staff Officer, please e-mail her directly. It would be great if you could:

  • Write "1:1 request" in the subject header
  • Briefly outline what you'd like to talk about
  • Indicate whether you'd like to meet in a confidential meeting space (she books a room in the Hive) or over a coffee in one of the public areas around campus

She aims to be able to sort a meeting with you within the week (sometimes the same day!).

Meet our Research Staff Officer

Whether you want to talk about big picture things (e.g. Where do I want to take my career? How do I start a family when on fixed term contracts?)
Or discuss more specific issues (e.g. interpersonal problems in the group; help with a job application; organising to have a mock interview)
Hayley, has a broad background (as a Researcher and Project Manager in industry and academia, before moving to be a Researcher Developer and Careers Consultant specialising in supporting ECRs and PhDs) and is able to empathise and help you with the issues you face.


Contact Us


T: 01273 877979

Research Staff Office, Research and Enterprise Services, Level 1, Falmer House, University of Sussex, BN1 9QF

  Twitter @SussexResearchr