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Questions and answers

How can I find out the size of each mail message in Mulberry?

The University's Microsoft Exchange system (launched in Spring 2011) handles all staff and Research Postgraduate email and calendaring.   The recommended email and calendaring application is Outlook on PCs or Macs, or Outlook Web Access (OWA) through a web browser.  For more details see

Mulberry makes use of some IMAP extensions which are not supported by Exchange, and as a result, some features that used to work in Mulberry may no longer work with Exchange.

In the list of messages in your INBOX, or that of any individual mailbox, you can add an extra column to show Size. This refers to the number of bytes (characters) in the message (attachments included).

Do the following:

  1. Right-click (Mac users can use CTRL-click) on the From column header at the top of the list.
  2. In the drop-down menu that appears, select Insert Column After.
  3. A new column appears to the right, and will probably be labelled with a '#' sign.
  4. Right-click on the column header - or the # sign -  of the new column.
  5. Select Size from the drop-down menu. The label and the information in that column will change.
  6. You may need to adjust the width of the column(s). You can do this by positioning the mouse pointer on the column boundary (the pointer will change to a left-and-right arrow) and drag to left or right with the left mouse button held down.

This operation should be repeated for any mailbox for which you require a Size column.

FAQ 1122 shows how to see the size of entire mailboxes

NB: Mac users should use control-click instead of right-click

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This is question number 998, which appears in the following categories:

    Created by caroline on 27 February 2003 and last updated by Andy Clews on 27 June 2014