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Questions and answers

What is JISCmail?

JISCmail is the UK National Academic Mailing List Service, facilitating discussion, collaboration and communication within the UK Academic Community and beyond.

The JISCmail service is run by JISC Advance, based at JISC Netskills, Newcastle University. It provides the email distribution service for lists and the maintenance of archives of the emails and files associated with lists. A Web interface is available for searching for lists, viewing the archives of publicly accessible lists and contains documentation to help both list users and list owners. JISCmail support staff will deal with the technicalities of setting up lists and help owners manage lists so you don't need to be a computer expert to take advantage of this popular service.

For further information see

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This is question number 635, which appears in the following categories:

    Created by Andy Clews on 27 July 2001 and last updated by Richard Byrom-Colburn on 29 September 2016