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Questions and answers

How do I give a non-member of staff, such as an external examiner, access to a Study Direct site?

Schools can obtain IT accounts for sundry people (including external examiners) associated with their School by adding them to the School Associates group on the central database.  In each School the person who  is able to do this is the School Administrator.

The School Administrator should first check to see if the external examiner is already listed on the central database, (so that they don't create duplicate records).

Once you have added the external examiners onto the School Associates group, ITS will be able to create ITS accounts for them. In order to do this, please supply ITS with a list giving their person codes and names.

Once the ITS account/s have been created, you will then need to arrange to send these details to the individual  Examiners by post.

The External Examiner should then login to Study Direct with the details supplied, then log out again. Once this has happened you should then be able to search for their name and add them to any site that you have edit rights on.

See FAQ 1273 - How do I add people to a site?

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This is question number 2740, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Mark Parsons on 14 August 2015 and last updated by Anne Hole on 5 August 2016