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Questions and answers

How do I export grades from Study Direct?

It is possible to export students’ grades for activities within Study Direct. To do this first go to your site and then click the green Dashboard button at the top right on the page. Then click Settings and click Show advanced.

screenshotScroll to the bottom of the page and set the Allow export of grades dropdown menu to Yes. Then click Save changesscreenshot

Next click People, then Grades.


Then click Export in the Grades menu.


You can now choose which format you would like to export the grades in by clicking your chosen option.


Next adjust the Options to your preferences and use the Grade items to be included tick boxes to indicate which items you would like to export. Then click Submit.

screenshotFinally click Downloadscreenshot

Your grades will then be downloaded, open the downloaded file and save it in your documents.




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This is question number 2579, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Paolo Oprandi on 4 July 2013 and last updated by Anne Hole on 5 August 2016