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Questions and answers

How do I add files to my site?

First navigate to the section within your site where you want to add the file. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click +Add resource. Then click +File.


Add a title to your resource and then click Choose or upload a file.


In the pop up window that appears click Choose file (at this point you can also choose to add any existing files that you have previously uploaded to your site by clicking on your chosen file).


Clicking Choose file will open your computer’s documents. Locate the file that you wish to upload, click on the file and then click Open.

You can then choose to make your file downloadable using the tick box at the bottom of the page. Ticking this box will mean that your students will be able to download and save their own copy of the file. Finally, click Save.




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This is question number 2402, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Stuart Lamour on 24 November 2011 and last updated by Anne Hole on 28 July 2016