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Questions and answers

How do I unsubscribe from a site?

It is possible to unsubscribe yourself from some Study Direct sites. However, you cannot unsubscribe from sites that are directly associated with a University module if you are a student on that module, your subscription to the site is managed automatically in these cases.

It is also possible to choose to stop receiving emails from Study Direct, see FAQ 2261 - How do I limit the number of email notifications I get from Study Direct?

To unsubscribe from a site first go to that site and then scroll to the bottom of the page.

In the footer there will be a section labelled People. If you are able to unsubscribe from the site there will be a link that says Unsubscribe me from... To unsubscribe from the site click this link.screenshot You will then be asked if you are sure that you want to unsubscribe yourself. Click Yes.


You will then be unsubscribed from the site, you will no longer be able to access the contents of the site and it will not appear in your list of current or past sites.


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This is question number 2248, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Mark Parsons on 24 February 2011 and last updated by Anne Hole on 5 August 2016