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Questions and answers

Quiz: How do I use the 'numerical' question type?

A 'numerical' question allows you to present a question that requires a specific numerical answer. This question type can allow a range of answers around the correct response, and can also deal with different units using a conversion multiplier.

For more flexibility, consider using the calculated question type


1) Choose Numerical from the Create New question menu.



2) Fill out the title and questions fields appropriately:

3) We want to allow answers between 50 and 60 miles, so we specify a correct answer of 55 miles with a tolerance of +/- 5. Since we want the student to specify units, we specify 'miles' in the unit field.



4) We also want to allow students to express their answer in kilometres, so fill in the alternative units section, specifying the unit 'kilometres' or 'km', both with the correct multiplier (there are 1.61 km per mile).


5) Note: Consider that students may use different spellings of the units. In this example, to ensure that students who use the US spelling (kilometer) are not penalised unfairly, you may want to add this spelling as a third alternate unit.

6) Review your question and answer, and click 'Save'.


For the example above, any of the following student responses will be marked as correct:

55 miles
50 miles
88 km
81.5 kilometres

The following answers would be marked as incorrect:

55 (no units)
88 (no units)
88 kilometers (unless this unit was explicitly added when the question was created see above)


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This is question number 1340, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Robert Adam Harris on 22 August 2007 and last updated by Mark Parsons on 1 July 2015