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Blocks: How do I customize blocks?

Block Editing

1) Select the editing pencil at the top of the section. This displays the block editing icons.

Note: not all blocks will have the same icons, for example some may not have the editing (pencil) option.

2) The block can be moved around your site by clicking on the Up/Down or Left/Right arrows. The Red Cross enables you to delete the block and the Pencil (if one is available) allows you to edit the block.

3) Spend a minute or two using the editing icons to customise your blocks. You can delete them if you wish as they can be easily brought back. (go to 4).

In the bottom left of the course page you will see the 'Blocks' block.

 Select block

To add a new block:
4) Select the arrow for the drop-down menu and select a block type from the list.

We recommend you have the 'Site Menu' (Contents) block in the top left corner. 

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This is question number 1255, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Paolo Oprandi on 20 October 2006 and last updated by Mark Parsons on 23 July 2015