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Questions and answers

Can I use Breakout rooms in Microsoft Teams?

Any Teams Meeting organiser can use breakout rooms to split a meeting into smaller groups and return to the main meeting however your Teams settings and versions must be correct. 

Before you can use Breakout rooms 

  1. To see the breakout rooms option within your meetings, you must turn on the new Teams meeting experience by
    1. Clicking on your profile image within Teams
    2. Selecting Settings
    3. Checking the “Turn on new meeting experience” option within General settings.
    4. Restart your Teams client.
    5. You can double check that the setting is setup correctly by starting a meeting and verifying that the meeting opens in its own window.
  2. Make sure all participants, including the meeting organizer are using the latest version of Teams. If joining on Android or iOS mobile or tablet, make sure participants go to their App Store and download the latest update.

When in the meeting

  1. As a meeting organizer, join a channel / private scheduled meeting, or channel / private meet now meeting. Once you are in the meeting you should see the breakout room option next to the raise hand control.
    • You must be a meeting organizer to see the option. Meeting attendees and presenters will not see the breakout rooms option.

See also the Microsoft Breakout rooms information page

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This is question number 2925, which appears in the following categories:

    Created by Sam Elmer on 2 December 2020 and last updated by Sam Elmer on 2 December 2020