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Questions and answers

What assistive software is available on campus for users with disabilities or learning needs?

Assistive software is available on all cluster PCs across campus and can be installed on staff computers from Software Hub. This software includes:

Mindview - a mindmapping application.
Zoomtext - an application for visually impaired users.
ClaroRead - an application for users with specific learning needs.
NVDA - a screen reader application.
OneNote Learning Tools - immersive reader for OneNote.

Windows 10, installed on all cluster computers across campus, also has a number of built in assistive technology, called Ease of Access.


The Library has a service called SensusAccess which can convert various files into a number of formats, including audio and braille.

SensusAccess can be accessed via this link -


For more information on what other software is available please visit this Digital Accessibility page

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This is question number 2735, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Claire Craig on 4 August 2015 and last updated by Benoit Sharp on 23 January 2024