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Questions and answers

How can I set up my Sussex mailing list to match the list types given in the IT Services web pages?

The five basic types of list (Private, Open, Forum, Private Broadcast and Open Broadcast) are configuration models created from a set of particular Mailman list configuration settings. It is important to understand that these types and models are not a feature of Mailman itself but were devised specifically for the purpose by IT Services.

The following notes describe the settings you need to change in appropriate pages in your mailing list's Admin page, so as to configure your list to match one of the above list types.

Alternatively, consult the appropriate FAQ for Private, Private Broadcast, Forum, Open or Open Broadcast list types.

REMEMBER ALWAYS to click the 'Submit Your Changes' button  button to save any changes you make!

First you must open your mailing list's administration page.  This will be (where LISTNAME is the exact name of your mailing list).  The different sections of the page will contain all the links and options described below. 

General Options page

The three options that need setting are:

  • Send monthly password reminders?
  • Send welcome message to newly subscribed members?
  • Send goodbye message to members when they are unsubscribed?

For Open, Private and Forum lists these options should all be set to Yes.

For Open Broadcast and Private Broadcast lists they should all be set to No.

REMEMBER to click the 'Submit Your Changes' button button to save any changes you make!

Privacy Options page

The three options that need setting are:

  • Advertise this list when people ask what lists are on this machine?
  • What steps are required for subscription?
  • Who can view subscription list?

For Open, Open Broadcast and Forum lists these options should be set to Yes, Confirm and List admin only respectively.

For Private and Private Broadcast lists they should be set to No, Require Approval and List admin only respectively.

REMEMBER to click the 'Submit Your Changes' button button to save any changes you make!

Privacy Options - Sender filters page

The three options that need setting are:

  • By default, should new list member postings be moderated?
  • Action to take when a moderated member posts to the list
  • Action to take for postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined

For Open lists these options should be set to No, Hold and Accept respectively.

For Private and Forum lists they should be set to No, Hold and Hold respectively.

For Open Broadcast and Private Broadcast lists they should be set to Yes, Reject and Hold respectively.

REMEMBER to click the 'Submit Your Changes' button button to save any changes you make!

Archiving Options page

The two options that need setting are:

  • Archive messages?
  • Is archive file source for public or private archival?

For all types of list, these two settings need to be No and Private respectively. If however you prefer to maintain an archive for your list, you can set the Archive messages? option to Yes.   We strongly recommend keeping archives private, otherwise (if public) they can be read by anyone on the internet (and will find their way into search engines such as Google)!

REMEMBER to click the 'Submit Your Changes' button button to save any changes you make! 

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This is question number 1141, which appears in the following categories:

    Created by Andy Clews on 5 January 2005 and last updated by Richard Byrom-Colburn on 29 September 2016