Improving the wi-fi service

In the recent survey of first year undergraduates, we received a number of comments about problems with the wi-fi service on the campus and we would like your help to resolve one of the issues that was raised.

If you are willing to work with us to investigate further, we would like to hear from you if you are affected by this problem:

A number of people complained that their laptops frequently disconnect and reconnect, leaving them without internet connections for a few minutes in the meantime. We've been unable to replicate this in our tests and the problem may affect specific types of computer.

If you would like to take part, we will first ask you to see Josh, our Service Desk Advisor, in Shawcross so he can carry out some preliminary checks and decide on the best way to investigate. This might involve tests in some of the public spaces on the campus, or keeping a record of the times when you notice the problem.

If you are willing to help, we will do all we can to find the cause of the fault so we can fix it for you and for other students.

Find out more
Please contact Josh to take part or find out more.

Updated on 31 January 2014