IT Services is in the Shawcross building.
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Visit us for help getting your devices online.
9:30am - 6pm on Welcome Weekend
9am - 5pm during Welcome Week

Welcome to the University of Sussex!

IT Services is here to help. We provide lots of services that you will need as a student.

If you're looking for your timetable, you can find it on Sussex Direct once it has been released.

What's my Sussex username?

Your Sussex username gives you access to loads of services and systems at the University.

You collected your username when you completed registration. It'll be a series of letters and numbers, like ano123

What's my Sussex email address?

Your email address is your username followed by For example:

Click for more information:

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Get online

Visit us in Shawcross if you need help - bring your charger!

Updated on 10 June 2021