Microphones taken from lecture rooms

Posted: Thu 22 Jan 2015, 3:06pm.

Chichester lecture theatreMore than twenty microphones went missing from Sussex lecture theatres and seminar rooms last term, costing the University thousands of pounds in replacement equipment.

When not in use, lapel and hand-held microphones are usually locked away in strongboxes secured to the benches in lecture rooms. But if teaching staff forget to return the devices at the end of a lecture, they sometimes go missing.

There is a limit to the budget available for teaching room facilities and with each device costing between £100 and £300, IT Services have been unable to replace all of the missing devices in the last few weeks, leading to shortages of equipment in some areas.

We're looking at alternative methods of securing microphones in the future, but in the meantime, teaching staff are asked to ensure that devices are locked away in the strongboxes provided. Staff who need the combination should call the audiovisual support line for help on extension 8022.

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