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Software starting with "m"

Alphabetical listing of software starting with the letter "m"


Numerical Computing Environment

MATLAB is an integrated technical computing environment that combines numeric computation, advanced graphics and visualisation, and a high-level programming language.

MATLAB includes hundreds of functions for:

  • Data analysis and visualisation;
  • Numeric and symbolic computation;
  • Engineering and scientific graphics;
  • Modelling, simulation, and prototyping;
  • Programming, application development, and GUI design.
  • Full List of Toolboxes available
Compatible with
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Help resources

Matlab FAQ s

The following links are to external sites (links open in a new tab):

Staff and students can open support requests with Mathworks via this link:


The university has a Campus-Wide (CWL) license.

This provides Matlab and all Toolboxes on university workstations and personally owned devices.

Staff and students can download Matlab and related Toolboxes on personally owned devices.

The agreement provides access to Matlab and related Toolboxes when travelling overseas; up to 60 days.


2024a Update 3

Installed on
High Performance Cluster

You can install this software on your own computer.

Notes on availability

If not already installed on your university computer, this software can be installed from Software Center:

Matlab can also be run in a browser using the Live Editor -

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