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The keywords do not work in the auto-responder facility in Mailman.

At the top of the Auto-responder configuration page for any Mailman mailing list, mention is made of four different keywords which can be used to substitute various constants. These are:

listname The name of the mailing list musicians
listurl The mailing list's listinfo web address
requestemail The email address to send admin requests to the mailing list
owneremail The email address to contact the mailing list's owner(s)

In each case, the keyword by itself will not be recognised by the autoresponder mechanism if written exactly as such in the text boxes, and needs to be written in a different way.  Write them like this:





That is, a % sign, followed immediately by the keyword in parentheses, followed immediately by the letter s.

For example, in the box for Auto-response text to send to mailing list posters, for a mailing list called musicians, if you entered 'Thank you for sending an email to the %(listname)s mailing list.' in the box, the auto-response that people will see when they sent an email to the list would be 'Thank you for sending an email to the musicians mailing list.'

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This is question number 2477, which appears in the following categories:

    Created by Andy Clews on 14 March 2012 and last updated by Richard Byrom-Colburn on 20 October 2016