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Questions and answers

How can I find out which Sussex Mailman mailing lists I belong to?

 It's slightly complicated but can be done, as follows:

  1. Go to the Sussex Mailing Lists home page.
  2. Scroll down to the second section, headed 'Quick links for list subscribers'.
  3. Enter the exact name of a mailing list of which you know you are a member (don't type the part) in the text box, then click the GO button.  This should take you to a page with your mailing list's name in the page heading.
    If you are shown a long page titled ' Mailing Lists' you have typed an incorrect mailing list name - go back to step 1.
  4. On the page that appears, scroll down to the listname Subscribers section (where listname is the name of your mailing list). 
  5. Enter your email address and your list subscriber's password in the boxes, and then click the Visit Subscriber List button. If you can't remember any of your list passwords, see the Note below.
  6. In the next page to appear, click your own email address in the list of subscribers.
  7. In the next page to appear, you may need to enter your subscriber's password again in a box near the top of the page and click Login.   Otherwise, scroll a little way down the page and click the List My Other Subscriptions button. 

Some lists do not permit their members to view the subscription lists, so you may first need to find a list which allows you to do this.

Note:  If you do not know any lists of which you are a member, or you cannot remember any of your list passwords, contact Online Support explaining what you want to know, and we'll be happy to tell you which lists you belong to. Please note that in the interests of privacy and confidentiality we will not respond to requests for membership details of third parties except from authorised persons.

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This is question number 1115, which appears in the following categories:

    Created by Andy Clews on 1 November 2004 and last updated by Richard Byrom-Colburn on 20 October 2016