Yasuni global - Let's keep it diverse and cool


Local context Ecuador: Fauna, Flora, History and Politics 

Biosphere Yasuní


Indigenous population Amazon Ecuador

Economic history Ecuador

Ecuador’s Energy policy

Oil in Ecuador

Official documents

Democracy Ecuador 

The initiative and it‘s different dimensions 

History of the initiative 

Main idea and mechanism behind the Yasuní ITT proposal 

Financial mechanism of Yasuní

Envionmental justice perspective on Yasuní ITT 

Political economy and causes of failure 

Climate change mitigation with Yasuní   


Alternatives to extractivism

Civil society, Plan B and its Risks 

Proposals and responses civil society


After Correa’s announcement to extract

Risks of extraction

Yasuní Global  - A global Approach of Yasuní

Yasuní a collection



Local Context Ecuador: Fauna, Flora, History and Politics


Biosphere Yasuní

Bonaccorso, E., Koch, I. and Peterson, A.T. (2006), “Pleistocene fragmentation of Amazon species' ranges”, Diversity and Distributions, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 157–164.

Finer, M. et al (2009), “Ecuador’s Yasuní Biosphere Reserve: a brief modern history and conservation challenges”, Environmental Research Letters, No. 4.

Finer, M.; Moncel, R. and Jenkins, C.N. (2010), “Leaving the Oil Under the Amazon: Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative”, Biotropica, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 63–66. Abstract available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2009.00587.x/abstract

González-Jaramillo,V. (2016) Assessment of deforestation during the last decades in Ecuador using NOAA-AVHRR satellite dataERDKUNDEVol. 70 No. 3, p. 217-235.

Kneas, D. (2016), Subsoil abundance and surface absence: a junior mining company and its performance of prognosis in northwestern Ecuador. J R Anthropol Inst, 22: 67–86. 

Larrea, C. (2009), "La Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT: un camino alternativo hacia la sustentabilidad", boletín "Ventana a la Cooperación", Vol. 11, No.6.

Larrea, C. (2013), "Biodiversity, Oil and Development in Ecuador", University of Sussex.

Marx, E. (2010), “The Fight for Yasuní”, Science, Vol. 330, No. 6008, pp. 1170–1171.

Solomon, S.E. et al (2008), “Paleodistributions and Comparative Molecular Phylogeography of Leafcutter Ants (Atta spp.) Provide New Insight into the Origins of Amazonian Diversity”, PLoS ONE, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. e2738.

Swing, K. (2011), “Day of reckoning for Ecuador’s biodiversity Day of reckoning for Ecuador’s biodiversity”, Nature, Vol. 469, p. 267.

USAid and WCS (2011), “Greater Yasuní-Napo Moist Forest Landscape Conservation Area. Achievements and Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Support for Threats-based Conservati on at a Landscape and Seascape Scale”, pp. 1–24.



Bonaccorso, E., Koch, I. and Peterson, A.T. (2006), “Pleistocene fragmentation of Amazon species' ranges”, Diversity and Distributions, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 157–164.

Bush, M.B. and de Oliveira, P. E. (2006), “The rise and fall of the Refugial Hypothesis of Amazonian Speciation: a paleoecological perspective”, Biota Neotropica, Vol. 6 No. 1.

Haffer, J. and Prance T.G. (2002), "Climatic Forcing of Evolution in Amazonia during the Cenozoic: on the Refuge Theory of Biotic Differentiation", Insituto de Estudos Acancados da Universidad Sao Paulo.

Hoorn, C. (2006), “The Birth of the Mighty Amazon”, Scientific American, Vol. 294, No. 5, pp. 52–59, Abstract available at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/7074147_The_Birth_of_the_Mighty_Amazon

Salo, J. (1987), “Pleistocene forest refuges in the Amazon. evaluation of the biostratigraphical lithostratigraphical and geomorphological data”, Annales Zoologici Fennici, Vol. 24, No. 3 pp. 203–211. Abstract available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/23734496?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Solomon, S.E. et al (2008), “Paleodistributions and Comparative Molecular Phylogeography of Leafcutter Ants (Atta spp.) Provide New Insight into the Origins of Amazonian Diversity”, PLoS ONE, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. e2738.


Indigenous Populations Amazonian Ecuador

Larrea, C. (s.d.), "Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT proposal to keep oil reserves underground". 

Pappalardo, S.E.; De Marchi, M. and Ferrarese, F. (2013), “Uncontacted Waorani in the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve: Geographical Validation of the Zona Intangible Tagaeri Taromenane (ZITT)”, PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. e66293. 

Rival, L. (2002), "Trekking through history: The Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador", The historical ecology series, Columbia University Press, New York, Review available at: http://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1058&context=tipiti

Walsh, B. (2012), “Rain Forest for Ransom”, Time, Vol. 179, No. 5, p. 36. Abstract available at: http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/70949923/rain-forest-ransom


Economic History Ecuador 

Larrea, C. (2005), "Naturaleza, Economia y Sociedad en el Ecuador: UNa Visión Historica", EcoCiencia-FLASCO.

Larrea, C. (2013), "Biodiversity, Oil and Development in Ecuador", University of Sussex. 


Ecuador’s Energy Policy

Energy Information Administration (2015) "Ecuador - International energy data and analysis".

Larrea, C. (2013), "El Parque National Yasuní". 

Ministerio de Energía y Minas (2007), "PLANIFICACIÓN ECONÓMICA INTEGRAL DE CRUDOS PESADOS", Quito.

Rival, L. (2010), “Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative: The old and new values of petroleum”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 70 No. 2, pp. 358–365.

Sovacool, B.J., Scarpaci, J. (2016) Energy justice and the contested petroleum politics of stranded assets: Policy insights from the Yasuní-ITT Initiative in Ecuador, Energy Policy, Volume 95, Pages 158-171, ISSN 0301-4215, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2016.04.045.


Oil in Ecuador 

Acosta, A. (2007), "Planificaión Económica Integral de Crudos Pesados", Campo ITT.

Burch, S. (2013), “Ecuadors Campaign: 'The Dirty Hand of Chevron'”.

Chimienti, A. and Matthes, S. (2013), "Ecuador: Extractivism for the Twenty-First Century?”, NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 46, No. 4, p. 59.

Energy Information Administration (2015) "Ecuador - International energy data and analysis".

Juhasz, A. (2014), “Opinion: Why oil drilling in Ecuador is 'ticking time bomb' for planet”.

Lalander, R. (2016) The Ecuadorian Resource Dilemma: Sumak Kawsay or Development? Critical Sociology Vol 42, Issue 4-5, pp. 623 - 642

Larrea, C. (s.d.), "Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT proposal to keep oil reserves underground".

Larrea, C. (2013), "Keeping fossil fuels underground: Innovative options for mitigation", Brighton. 

Martinez-Alier, J. and Temper, L. (2007), “Oil and Climate Change: Voices from the South”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 42 No. 50, pp. 16–19. Preview available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40277042?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Martinez-Alier, J. and Temper, L. (2009), “Oil, Climate Change and Resistance from the South”, in Bond, P., Dada, R. and Erion, G. (Eds.), Climate change, carbon trading and civil society: Negative returns on South African investments, 2nd ed., University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Scotsville, South Africa, pp. 165–171.

Ministerio de Energía y Minas (2007), "PLANIFICACIÓN ECONÓMICA INTEGRAL DE CRUDOS PESADOS", Quito.

Peláez-Samaniego, M.R. et al (2007), “Energy sector in Ecuador: Current status”, Energy Policy, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 4177–4189. Abstract available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421507000602

Válquez-Ger, E. (2013), “Créditos chinos: ¿A quién benefician? El país sudamericano se encuentra casi fuera de los mercados internacionales y China lo financia a cambio de hipotecar sus reservas petroleras”, El Pais, 13 September. 


Official Documents

Acosta, A. (2007), "Planificaión Económica Integral de Crudos Pesados", Campo ITT.

Asimbaya, P. et al (2004), "La carretera propuesta por Petrobras hacia el interior del Parque Nacional Yasuní", Open letter to Lucio Gutiérrez, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and José Eduardo de Barros Dutra.

Ecuadorian Government (2010), "Ecuador Yasuní ITT: Fondo de Fideicomiso", Términos de Referencia.

Ecuadorian Government (2011), “Ecuador Yasuní ITT. Fondo de Fideicomiso: Manual de Procedimientos para el Funcionamiento del Comité de Dirección”.

Larrea, C. (2010), "Yasuní ITT: An Initiative to Change History".


United Nation Development Group (2010), "Ecuador Yasuní ITT Trust Fund", Terms of References, 28. July 2010.


Democracy Ecuador

Baker, A. and Greene, K.F. (2011), “The Latin American Left's Mandate: Free-Market Policies and Issue Voting in New Democracies”, World Politics, Vol. 63 No. 01, pp. 43–77. 

CEDHU (2012), “Graves Violaciones a Derechos Humanos en 2012”. 

Colburn, F.D. and Trejos, A. (2010), “Democracy Undermined: Constitutional Subterfuge in Latin America”, Dissent, Vol. 57 No. 3, pp. 11–15. Excerpt available at: https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/democracy-undermined-constitutional-subterfuge-in-latin-america

De la Torre, C. (2013), “Technocratic Populism in Ecuador”, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 33–46. Abstract available at: https://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/journal_of_democracy/v024/24.3.de-la-torre.pdf

Engler, M. (2010), “Democracy in Latin America”, Dissent, Vol. 57 No. 4, pp. 76–78. Abstract available at: https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/democracy-in-latin-america-2

Mank, B.C. and Smith, S. (2013), “The Environmental Rights Revolution: A Global Study of Constitutions, Human Rights, and the Environment”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 35 No. 4, pp. 1021–1042. Excerpt available at: http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/human_rights_quarterly/v035/35.4.mank.pdf

Martinez-Alier, J., Bassey, N. and Bond, P. (2013), “Yasuní ITT is dead. Blame President Correa”.

Martinez-Alier, J. (2013), “President Rafael Correa against the environmentalists”.

Peeler, J.A. (2010), “The Academic Uses of Lo Indígena”, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 45 No. 1, pp. 233–243. Abstract available at: https://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/latin_american_research_review/v045/45.1.peeler.pdf

Weyland, K. (2013), “The Threat from the Populist Left”, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 18–32. Abstract available at: http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/journal_of_democracy/v024/24.3.weyland.html



The initiative and its different dimensions


History of the Initiative

Espinosa. C. (2013), “The riddle of leaving the oil in the soil—Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT project from a discourse perspective”, Forest Policies and Economics, Vol. 36, pp. 27–36. Abstract available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1389934112001633

Larrea, C. (2013), "Biodiversity, Oil and Development in Ecuador", University of Sussex. 

Martin, P.L. (2011), “Global Governance from the Amazon: Leaving Oil Underground in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador”, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 22–42. Abstract available at: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/GLEP_a_00082?journalCode=glep#.U4sc_IR2BLQ

Rival, L. (2010), “Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative: The old and new values of petroleum”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 70 No. 2, pp. 358–365.


Concept and Mechanisms of the Yasuní ITT Proposal

Calderòn, C. et al (2013), "Problemática Yasuní. Tres Perspectivas: Economómica, Ambiental y Social", Coursework material/PREZI Presentation, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima.

Falconí Benítez, F. (2010), “El ITT: prueba de vida The ITT: Life at Stake”, Iconos Reviusta de Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 38, pp. 17–20. 

Finer, M., Moncel, R. and Jenkins, C.N. (2010), “Leaving the Oil Under the Amazon: Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative”, Biotropica, Vol. 42 No. 1, pp. 63–66. Abstract available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2009.00587.x/abstract

Larrea, C. (s.d.), "Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT proposal to keep oil reserves underground".

Larrea, C. (2010), "Yasuní ITT: An Initiative to Change History".

Larrea, C. and Warnars, L. (2009), “Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative: Avoiding emissions by keeping petroleum underground”, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 13, pp. 219–223. Abstract available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0973082609000581

Martinez-Alier, J. (2010), “En Ecuador: la Iniciativa Yasuní ITT se encamina al triunfo”, sinpermiso

Martinez-Alier, J. (2007), “Keep Oil in the Ground: Yasuní in Ecuador”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 42 No. 42, pp. 4227–4228.


Financial Mechanism of Yasuní

Arsel, M. and Angel, N.A. (2012), “"Stating" Nature's Role in Ecuadorian Development: Civil Society and the Yasuní-ITT Initiative”, Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 203–227. Abstract available at: http://jds.sagepub.com/content/28/2/203.abstract

Ecuadorian Government (2010), "Ecuador Yasuní ITT: Fondo de Fideicomiso, Términos de Referencia".

Ecuadorian Government (2011), “Ecuador Yasuní ITT. Fondo de Fideicomiso: Manual de Procedimientos para el Funcionamiento del Comité de Dirección”.

Larrea, C. (s.d.), "Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT proposal to keep oil reserves underground".

Larrea, C. (2010), "Anánalisis Comparativo de Ingresos Futuros del Estado para el Bloque ITT". 

Macintosh, A. and Constable, A. (2017) Supply-side climate policies and the Yasuní-ITT Initiative

Martin, P.L. (2011), “Pay to Preserve: The Global Politics of Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Proposal", International development policy: Energy and development, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 117–134. Abstract available at http://poldev.revues.org/770. Full version in French available at: http://poldev.revues.org/703

Rival, L. (2009), “The Yasuní-ITT Initiative: Oil Development and Alternative Forms of Wealth Making in the Ecuadorian Amazon”, QEH Working Paper Series, No 180.

Rival, L. (2010), "Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative: The old and new values of petroleum”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 70, pp 358–365.

Temper, L. et al (2013), “Towards a Post-Oil Civilization. Yasunízation and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels under the soil”, Ejolt report, No. 6, 204 p.

Vallejo M.C.; Larrea, C.; Burbano, R. and Falconi, F. (2011), "La Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT desde una perspectiva multicriterial", Programa Conjunto para la Conservación y Manejo Sostenible del Patrimonio Natural y Cultural de la Reserva de Biosfera Yasuní, Quito. 


Environmental Justice Perspective on Yasuní ITT

Fierro, L.G. (2016) Oil or ‘life’: the dilemma inherent in the yasuní-ITT initiative

Martinez-Alier, J. and Temper, L. (2007), “Oil and Climate Change: Voices from the South”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 42 No. 50, pp. 16–19. Preview available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40277042?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Temper, L. et al (2013), “Towards a Post-Oil Civilization. Yasunízation and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels under the soil”, Ejolt report, No. 6, 204 p.


Political Economy and Causes of Failure

Arsel, M. and Angel, N.A. (2012), “"Stating" Nature's Role in Ecuadorian Development: Civil Society and the Yasuní-ITT Initiative”, Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 203–227. Abstract available at: http://jds.sagepub.com/content/28/2/203.abstract

Blasberg, M. (2011), “Ecuador: Niebel und die Indianer”, Zeit Online, 16 June.

Davidov, V. (2012), “Saving nature or performing sovereignty? Ecuador's initiative to ‘keep oil in the ground’, Anthropology Today, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 12–15.

Espinosa, C. (2013), “The riddle of leaving the oil in the soil. Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT project from a discourse perspective”, Forest Policies and Economics, Vol. 36, pp. 27–36.Abstract available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1389934112001633

Falconí Benítez, F. (2010), “El ITT: prueba de vida The ITT: Life at Stake”, Iconos Reviusta de Cienciias Sociales, Vol. 38, pp. 17–20.http://www.sussex.ac.uk/wcm/dashboard/page/edit/435//itt/doc

Fierro, L.G. (2017) Re-thinking oil: compensation for non-production in Yasuní National Park challenging sumak kawsay and degrowth

Le Quang, M (2016) The Yasuní-ITT Initiative, Toward New Imaginaries. Latin American Perspectives vol. 43 no. 1 187-199.

Martin, P.L. (2011), “Global Governance from the Amazon: Leaving Oil Underground in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador”, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 22–42.

Rival, L. (2009), “The Yasuní-ITT Initiative: Oil Development and Alternative Forms of Wealth Making in the Ecuadorian Amazon”, QEH Working Paper Series, No 180.

Rival, L. (2010), "Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative: The old and new values of petroleum”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 70, pp 358–365.

Sovacool, B. J., Scarpaci, J. (2016). Energy justice and the contested petroleum politics of stranded assets: Policy insights from the Yasuní-ITT Initiative in EcuadorEnergy Policy Volume 95, August 2016, Pages 158–171

Válquez-Ger, E. (2013), “Créditos chinos: ¿A quién benefician? El país sudamericano se encuentra casi fuera de los mercados internacionales y China lo financia a cambio de hipotecar sus reservas petroleras”, El Pais, 13 September.


Climate Change Mitigation with Yasuní

Dutt, G. (2009), “A climate agreement beyond 2012”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIV No. 45, pp. 39–49.

Larrea, C. (2013), "Biodiversity, Oil and Development in Ecuador", University of Sussex.

Larrea, C. (2013), "Keeping fossil fuels underground: Innovative options for mitigation", Brighton.

Larrea, C. and Warnars, L. (2009), “Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative: Avoiding emissions by keeping petroleum underground”, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 13, pp. 219–223. Abstract available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0973082609000581

Larrea, C. (2009), "La Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT: un camino alternativo hacia la sustentabilidad", boletín "Ventana a la Cooperación", Vol. 11, No.6.

Loaiza, T., Nehren, U., Gerold, G. (2016) REDD + implementation in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Why land configuration and common-pool resources management matter, Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 70, September 2016, Pages 67-79, ISSN 1389-9341, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2016.05.016

Temper, L. et al (2013), “Towards a Post-Oil Civilization. Yasunízation and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels under the soil”, Ejolt report, No. 6, 204 p.



Calderòn, C. et al (2013), "Problemática Yasuní. Tres Perspectivas: Economómica, Ambiental y Social", Coursework material/PREZI Presentation, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima.

Larrea, C. (2013), "Biodiversity, Oil and Development in Ecuador", University of Sussex.

Larrea, C. (2013), "Keeping fossil fuels underground: Innovative options for mitigation", Brighton.

Rockström, J. (2010), "Let the environment guide our development", TED Talk.


Alternatives to Extractivism

Arsel, M. and Angel, N.A. (2012), “"Stating" Nature's Role in Ecuadorian Development: Civil Society and the Yasuní-ITT Initiative”, Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 203–227. Abstract available at: http://jds.sagepub.com/content/28/2/203.abstract

Bullard, N (2014) Fossil fuel divestment: a $5 trillion challenge. Bloomberg New Energy Finance, White Paper 25 August. 

McKibben, B (2013) The Case for Fossil Fuel Divestment, Rolling Stone, February 22.

McKibben, B (2013) Global warming's terrifying new math Rolling Stone, August 2nd.

Vallejo M.C.; Larrea, C.; Burbano, R. and Falconi, F. (2011), "La Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT desde una perspectiva multicriterial", Programa Conjunto para la Conservación y Manejo Sostenible del Patrimonio Natural y Cultural de la Reserva de Biosfera Yasuní, Quito.


Civil Society, Plan B and Risks


Proposals and Civil Society Responses

Acción Ecológica (2008), “El ITT versus Yasuní”, Alerta Verde - Boletín de Acción Ecológica, No. 155.

Acción Ecologica (2011), "El Yasuní depende de tí" Video de la campaña.

Acosta, A.; Gudynas, E.;  Martinéz, E. and Vogel, J. (2009), “Dejar el crudo en tierra o la búsqueda del paraíso perdido. Elementos para una propuesta política y económica para la Iniciativa de no explotación del crudo del ITT”, Moratoria petrolera en Yasuní - Ecuador.

Asimbaya, P. et al (2004), "La carretera propuesta por Petrobras hacia el interior del Parque Nacional Yasuní", Open letter to Lucio Gutiérrez, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and José Eduardo de Barros Dutra.

Constante, S. (2013), “La búsqueda de un millión de firmas para savar el Yasuní. Un colectivo de jóvenes ambientalistas mantiene la lucha por salvar la reserva natural y se aferra a la consulta popular”, El País, 24 November.

Marx, E. (2010), “The Fight for Yasuní”, Science, Vol. 330, pp. 1170–1171.



Constante, S. (2013), “La búsqueda de un millión de firmas para savar el Yasuní. Un colectivo de jóvenes ambientalistas mantiene la lucha por salvar la reserva natural y se aferra a la consulta popular”, El País, 24 November.


After Correa’s Announcement to Extract

Becker, M. (2014), “Resource Extraction and Yasuní National Park. Ecuador's Bitter Choice”.

Chimienti, A. and Matthes, S. (2013), “Ecuador: Extractivism for the Twenty-First Century?”, NACLA Report on the Americas, 46; Jg. 2013 No. 4, p. 59.

Constante, S. (2013), “La búsqueda de un millión de firmas para savar el Yasuní. Un colectivo de jóvenes ambientalistas mantiene la lucha por salvar la reserva natural y se aferra a la consulta popular”, El País, 24 November.

Finer, M. (2013), “Exclusive: Stunning aerial photos reveal Ecuador building roads deeper into richest rainforest on Earth (Yasuní National Park)".

Juhasz, A. (2014), “Opinion: Why oil drilling in Ecuador is 'ticking time bomb' for planet”.

Käufer, T. (2012), "Yasuní in Ecuador: Das Regenwald-Projekt ist gescheitert", Spiegel Online.

Larrea, C. (2013), "El Parque National Yasuní".

Martinez-Alier, J., Bassey, N. and Bond, P. (2013), “Yasuní ITT is dead. Blame President Correa”.


Risks of Extraction

Finer, M. (2013), “Exclusive: Stunning aerial photos reveal Ecuador building roads deeper into richest rainforest on Earth (Yasuní National Park)".

Juhasz, A. (2014), “Opinion: Why oil drilling in Ecuador is 'ticking time bomb' for planet”.

Larrea, C. (2013), "El Parque National Yasuní".

Vallejo M.C.; Larrea, C.; Burbano, R. and Falconi, F. (2011), "La Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT desde una perspectiva multicriterial", Programa Conjunto para la Conservación y Manejo Sostenible del Patrimonio Natural y Cultural de la Reserva de Biosfera Yasuní, Quito.



Yasuní Global - A Global Approach of Yasuní


Larrea, C. (2013), “Ecuadors Yasuní-ITT Initiative A Critical Assessment”.

Martin, P.L. (2011), “Global Governance from the Amazon: Leaving Oil Underground in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador”, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 22–42.

Martinez-Alier, J. (2010), “En Ecuador: la Iniciativa Yasuní ITT se encamina al triunfo”, sinpermiso

Temper, L. et al (2013), “Towards a Post-Oil Civilization. Yasunízation and other initiatives to leave fossil fuels under the soil”, Ejolt report, No. 6, 204 p.



Yasuní - A Collection


Acción Ecológica (2008), “El ITT versus Yasuní”, Alerta Verde - Boletín de Acción Ecológica, No. 155.

Acción Ecologica (2011), "El Yasuní depende de tí" Video de la campaña.

Acosta, A. (2007), "Planificaión Económica Integral de Crudos Pesados", Campo ITT.

Acosta, A.; Gudynas, E.; Martinéz, E. and Vogel, J. (2009), “Dejar el crudo en tierra o la búsqueda del paraíso perdido. Elementos para una propuesta política y económica para la Iniciativa de no explotación del crudo del ITT”, Moratoria petrolera en Yasuní - Ecuador.

Arsel, M. and Angel, N.A. (2012), “"Stating" Nature's Role in Ecuadorian Development: Civil Society and the Yasuní-ITT Initiative”, Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 28 No. 2, pp. 203–227. Abstract available at: http://jds.sagepub.com/content/28/2/203.abstract

Asimbaya, P. et al (2004), "La carretera propuesta por Petrobras hacia el interior del Parque Nacional Yasuní", Open letter to Lucio Gutiérrez, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and José Eduardo de Barros Dutra.

Becker, M. (2014), “Resource Extraction and Yasuní National Park. Ecuador's Bitter Choice”.

Blasberg, M. (2011), “Ecuador: Niebel und die Indianer”, Zeit Online, 16 June.

Bonaccorso, E.; Koch, I. and Townsend Peterson, A. (2006), “Pleistocene fragmentation of Amazon species' ranges”, Diversity and Distributions, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 157–164.

Bond, P. (2009), “Conclusion. Leave the Oil in the Soil”, in Bond, P., Dada, R. and Erion, G. (Eds.), Climate change, carbon trading and civil society: Negative returns on South African investments, 2nd ed., University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Scotsville, South Africa, pp. 179–201.

Burch, S. (2013), “Ecuadors Campaign: 'The Dirty Hand of Chevron'”.

Bush, M.B. and de Oliveira, P. E. (2006), “The rise and fall of the Refugial Hypothesis of Amazonian Speciation: a paleoecological perspective”, Biota Neotropica, Vol. 6 No. 1.

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