University of Sussex Degree Show 08 - Media Practice and Theory


By: Penny Schroder-Smith


Inspired by Jeff Wall and Philip-Lorca diCorcia, this series of street panoramas is a window onto a world that forefronts the everyday behaviour of people from different backgrounds and demographics who are briefly united by a collection of public benches. Recording scenes that are often otherwise overlooked, they are moments shared by unknown individuals that capture the relationship between public and private gestures within public and private spaces.

These ordinary moments are turned into miniature stories and interpretations created through the use of photomontage and digital manipulation, moving the images on from a documentary style of street photography to notions of digital stagecraft.

This more voyeuristic series experiments with how identity and meaning can be created through a combination of documentary photography and up-to-date editing technology in order to give a current portrayal of street life in 2008.

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Contact Email: none provided


The show will open with a bang on Thursday 15th May; this will be the first opportunity to see the culmination of three years hard work from the Media Practice and Theory finalists. There will be a drinks reception to kick start the evening, with a chance to view the fantastic photography and interactive projects on display throughout the building. Following this, screenings of this year's documentaries will take place at 5pm and 8pm. This will be the first chance to see the 2008 MPT films, and food and drink will continue to be served throughout the evening. This night promises to be an extraordinary showcase of talent from one of the most innovative courses on offer at the University of Sussex - definitely not one to be missed!

Due to limitations of space, we regret that the opening night is attendable by invitation only. However we welcome requests for invitations from anybody currently working in the media. If you are employed in a relevant field and would like to attend, please get in touch and we will try to arrange an invitation.


Anyone Home?

By: Anna Parkinson

'Anyone Home?' comprises a collection of visceral images, composed of uncanny animated clothes found in disturbing acts.


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