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Sussex Research holds first meeting of research centre directors

Sussex Research held the first meeting of the University's research centre directors on Tuesday (17 June).

Sussex Research logoThe aim of the meeting, attended by 45 members of faculty representing 35 centres plus research development colleagues, was to discuss the role that research centres play in the University and to share good practice.

Presentations on how centres could be used more strategically were given by the following three centre directors:

Break-out groups then discussed the challenges of running a research centre and possible solutions, appropriate review processes, cross-cutting research themes and potential collaborations.

Professor Alan Lester, Director of Interdisciplinary Research, said: "Bringing centre directors together for the first time was very productive. A host of issues were raised, with many directors saying it was their first opportunity to share good ideas, to collaborate more effectively and to work towards solutions to some of the common challenges."  

It is anticipated that this will be the first of a series of such meetings.

Professor Michael Davies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Professor Lester will take forward a number of ideas that were agreed upon at the final feedback session.

Presentation slides will be available on the Sussex Research web pages shortly.