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Child and Youth Migration in West Africa

- Full conference report
- List of Attendees
- Programme
- Biographies
- Abstracts (English and French)

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DRC Event Reports

Child and Youth Migration in West Africa: Research Progress and Implications for Policy
Alisa Hotel in Accra 9th-10th June, 2009

Day 2

  • African Movement of Children and Young Workers (Mouvement Africain des Enfants Jeune Travailleurs): Moussa Harouna, Hounlete Yawa Ekplom, Adaora Ina Nnaji,  MAEJT for the West Africa Child Mobility Platform
    Powerpoint presentation in French

PANEL: Child Migrants as Rural Workers: Policy and Practice

PANEL: Coordinating Support for Migrant Children

  • For the West Africa Child Mobility Platform: Building on local institutions to support child migrants (Olivier Feneyrol – Terre des Hommes) 
    Powerpoint presentation in French
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With thanks to IOM and Claudia Natali for the photographs